Tiva: Ch.25 Not Mine

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back to the usual, no McAbby Im sorry guys, this IS a tiva fanfiction 💕😁💕

McGee's POV
"5 months"
i saw Tony staring at me through the window, his eyes burning a hole in me, but he thankfully couldn't hear us
"Uh, Tony and Ziva didn't have it until about only a month ago. If this is Tony's child then something happened that we don't know about"
"Oh dear..."
I went out to tell Tony about the conversation.
"Um, McGee, Ziva was in the hospital 5 months ago. There's no way she could've had it at that time.."
Before I could stop him, he pushed me out of the way and went to examine her body. He slept with her twice, he knew her body.

Tony's POV
I first checked her eyes, eyes were blue, this pesons' ears were not pierced, and this woman's baby bump was quite visible. As to Ziva, Ziva had brown eyes, ears pierced and was not even pregnant. This was not Ziva David, my ninja.

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