Tiva: Ch.36 Son of a.....

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--SC for sexual content--

Ziva's POV
The nurse walked in.
"Yes?!" I asked, hoping for the best.
"He is in a coma because of so much blood loss...luckily we have, enough of his type of blood here in this hospital. Hopefully when we give him the blood injection, he will wake up. And as for your child, he is fine, and so are you Ms. David."
"Oh thank you so much!!" I hugged the nurse and she walked out. Gibbs was still watching me like a hawk.
"I know you have no idea what's going on Gibbs"
"So tell me!"
"Well, I left town and went to Israel because Tony and I..."
"He got you pregnant." Then he muttered something under his breath, it sounded like "god damn son of a bitch.."
"Well, yes. And I was gone for a few months and then came back, a few months later, Tony and I went for a coffee and we got kidnapped, and then the guy hit me a few times, my water broke and then the baby was here. Then the man shot Tony...."
"Oh um...what's his name?"
"Ian Mitchell DiNozzo."
"Dinozzo?! You two are married?!"
I still didn't tell him about him and I getting married. He should have been able to figure it out by now.
"Getting married, actually"
he muttered "son of a bitch" again and stormed out.

--a few days later--
Tony and I are living together now, Tony recovered quickly, thankfully. I'm returning to work tomorrow and getting rid of that weird girl Kendra. Our wedding is in a week...my life is perfect. Absolutely perfect.
"It's getting late sweet cheeks"
"It is"
"shall we?" The baby was already asleep. So we could
"I guess so" I said with an evil grin.
Tony and I slept together in our bed. Just us two. Naked. I get butterflies everytime I'm near him.
"You think they took the cameras out?"
"Nah, who cares anymore, anyways?" He answered
"Haha I don't know, but not me!"
"Not me either"
we did unspeakable things that night. All I could feel was him inside me and it felt so right.
"Ziva" he said, breathless.
"Tony" I said, also breathless.
We continued for a while, a few hours later I rolled off him on to the other side of the bed, we were both breathless.
"Best. Night. Ever" we both laughed as we said it, panting.

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