Tiva: Ch.14 No

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Tony's POV
"He did it" "he killed 2 people at the café and then placed a bomb and killed more, and then attempted to kill you"
"Wow, did you call Ziva yet?"
"No. She's getting out of the hospital today anyways."
I continued with my daily paperwork and usual teasing McGee. I couldn't wait to tell Ziva how I felt, even though I was sure she already knew. I wanted to date her. I should be upset about Julia, I know. But, if she didn't try to kill us it would be different. I thought of the different ways I could ask her out, but I just couldn't think of the best way.
---5 months later---
Ziva's wounds healed. So did mine. McGee is now dating Abby. 5 months passed and I still couldn't bring myself to ask Ziva out. We were still both single and I still have feelings for her. It was now May 10. Spring has started. I decided that today was the day. We usually flirt and still do.I decided it was time. I waited until we were going home.
"Hey Zee-vah!"
"Was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie or two at my place tonight?"
"I'll take that as a yes then?"
"no Tony..it was a no"
And then she walked off.

I know it's short 😰💙

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