Tiva: Ch.23 Couldnt Live Without You

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Tony's POV
I grabbed a knife and started cutting myself, after all, I couldn't live without her. And now she's gone. The cuts got deeper and bloodier with every cut. I wasn't doing this just because I was drunk, I'm doing it because I want to. It was only 7:45 but I was tired and in pain. I continued to cut. Harder, deeper, each cut with more sadness and wish for death, so I could be with her forever in heaven with nobody to hurt us. My phone rang but I ignored it. I knew it was either Abby or Gibbs. I ignored it and moved onto my stomach area and began with small cuts. I didn't want to die in pain, after all, Ziva didn't, she died instantly. I contemplated to shoot myself for an hour and with a sudden knock on the door, I put the gun to my head, the person on the other side of the door was McGee, I knew it. He let himself in.
I was in the bathroom. I stared at myself. I looked horrible, but I needed to end my life and be with Ziva and I needed to do it now. McGee walker through the bathroom door.
"Tony! what the hell are you doing?! Put that gun down now!"
"I can't Tim"
"Why are you doing this?!"
"I need to"
"Tony, your tired, drunk, and have been through too much today, go to sleep! And don't cut yourself anymore!"
"I can't! You don't know how much I loved her and I can't live without her! I need to do this!"
"Tony, your my best friend, I don't know what I'd do without you, I know you miss Ziva, we all do, but don't do this to yourself. There's other fish in the sea"
"Really Tim?! The love of my life just died and your telling me to get over her and find a new love?! Well guess what McGee, I won't! She's my one and only!"

McGee's POV
"Tony I-"
A heard a shot and I closed my eyes. I knew what my eyes would open up to and just couldn't do it.

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