Tiva: Ch.22 Welcome To Vegas!

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Ziva's POV
We were going to Vegas! It was for a case, but it would be fun.
--23 hours later in Vegas--
"Ziva, were investigating a case, of a murder in town and the suspect is at 2407 oak lane. We need you to go there and get him" Gibbs said
"Ok, can Tony come?"
"No he's with me"
I went on my way and as soon as I stepped out of the car, I heard a gunshot and ran inside quietly but quickly with my gun pointed out. I heard a shot.

Tony's POV
Ziva's been gone 3 hours now. I hope she's okay. I decided, being Gibbs and I were done with what we were doing, I'd go to the address and see. When I got inside I was shocked and was overflown with sadness. A few tears fell down. The body had 2 gunshots to the chest and a few cuts on the face. I looked at the body again and knew it was my ninja. I started to cry and knelt beside her and stroked her hair. I couldn't believe she was dead. But I had to call the team. They came in and Ducky took her. We were renting a lab for the week while we stayed and he did his autopsy there. I couldn't stay. I went straight to the bar and got drunk. Well, very drunk. After that I walked to what would be Ziva and I's hotel room. I was devastated. Very. I grabbed a knife and started cutting myself. I cant live without her, I can't.

--It gets better, I promise 💕💕💕--

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