Tiva: Ch.12 Waiting for B

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Tony's POV
I sat in the waiting room waiting for answers. It was now 5:00 and the rest of the team was sleeping. But I can't. I can't sleep. I just lost my girlfriend. Suicide, and she tried to kill us. And now Ziva is probably going to die. "If she dies I die..." I keep thinking to myself. "No. No. She's not going to die.,...she can't" the nurse wanted to see me, since I had 12 cuts and 2 bullet wounds, I had to become a patient. I fell asleep. Thinking about Ziva. I was awoken by a nurse giving me some medicine and I asked if Ziva David was okay. "Yes she's alive but she needs blood to live. She lost so much of it last night that she will only have a week to live if a donor doesn't come in soon."
"What blood type is she?!"
"And I am?"
"You are an A"
"Damn it"
And with that the nurse walked out.
Around 8:30 pm Gibbs , Abby, McGee, Jimmy and Ducky came to visit. I told them about Ziva and that she needed a type B blood donor to donate blood or she would die in a week. The only person who was B was McGee.
"I am type B"
"Can you donate?!"
"I um.....I have a bad heart. I was born with it, and I have just enough blood to survive on my own, I'm sorry Tony, I really wish I could but I can't"
"I understand McGoo"
The rest of the team and I talked and they went home. I wanted Ziva to live but we needed a donor.

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