Tiva: Ch.15 The Tape

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Tony's POV
"I'll take that as a yes then?"
"No tony, it was a no"
She walked off then. Why would she say no? She whispered to me in my ear that she loved me!! Yeah but that was almost 6 months ago!
--next day--
"Tony! Tony!" Abby called out
"Yes Abby?"
"i NEED to talk to you!"
"Uh ok"
She escorted me to her lab
"Well, remember a few months ago when you and Ziva almost died?"
"Well, I know you still have feelings for her"
"Yeah and I-"
"Yes I know you asked her out last night"
"What's your point here?" I looked at her with a hurt sad and confused look
"Ziva came to talk to me earlier today, and I may or may not have recorded it"
"I'm going to let you listen to the tape"
"Ok then"
She pressed play
"Abby I need to talk to you" ( crying )
"Yes Ziva? What's wrong!"
"Tony just asked me out"
"Then why are you crying?"
"Because I declined him"
"W-what? Why would you do that?! I thought you loved hi-"
"I do Abby! I do!"
"Then why'd you-"
"Because someone is watching me Abby! And I was worried that if I was being watched then they would watch Tony too if I went with him!"
"Do you know who is watching you?"
"I have an idea. I think it's my ex boyfriend, Daniel"
"Yes. he wants me back and I know it! And if he knew I loved another man, I'm afraid he would kill them, he's from Mossad!
"Oh Ziva I'm so sorry!"
"No need to be. Just play this tape for Tony. To let him know I do love him."
And the tape ended.

Yes I made up Daniel for this story also!! 💕🐳💕

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