Tiva: Ch.37 Breaking Rule 12

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Ziva's POV
I woke up in Tony's arms. Again. Not unusual. I took care of Ian and let Abby watch him in the lab. I hadn't talked to Gibbs since he stormed out of the hospital and he sure wasn't happy about Tony and I anymore. Tony and I were just working in the office when Gibbs immersed from the elevator and signaled for Tony to come. He did as he was told.

Tony's POV
I could tell Gibbs wasn't happy and he wanted to talk to me. Wasn't a good sign at all. I stepped into the elevator with Gibbs and he pressed the emergency stop button.
"What. The. Hell?!" Gibbs yelled
"You know! You hid all this from me the whole time!"
"All of?"
"Oh. Right. That"
"Why didn't you tell me?!"
"Because you wouldn't approve..."
"Your right! I sure as hell don't approve! You totally crossed the line of rule 12!!"
"Sorry boss..."
"You two...ugh" he said disgusted
"You know...Gibbs...you should've saw it coming!"
"I should have, I guess"
"Yes! You should have!"
"Fine! You two can...be...together..I guess...just don't let me see you two kissing or anything like that"
"With one acception, you have to see us kiss once, because your invited to our wedding, and I suggest you take the cameras out of our apartments, if you don't wanna see..."
"Of course I don't want to see you two having sex!"
"Yeah, that"

--wedding day--
Ziva's POV
Today was the day. Today's the day my life begins, officially, with Tony. Abby is the best bridesmaid, Ian is the ring bearer, with the help of one of my friends, a few more of my friends as bridesmaids, McGee is Tony's best man, Vance, Ducky, and Palmer are best men and Gibbs is walking me down the isle.

Tony's POV
I see Ziva as she walks down the isle. Her hair is cascading down her shoulders. Her dress is a low cut white long dress, with beautiful flower embroidery on the middle. Gibbs walks her up the isle. Our little Ian is stumbling infront of them, but Ziva's friend is helping him. She was soon right beside/infront of me. We said our vows.
"Do you, Anthony DiNozzo, take Ziva David, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do"
"Do you Ziva David, take Anthony Dinozzo, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do"
"Does anyone have any reason as to why this beautiful couple shouldn't get married? Speak now or forever hold your peace"
All I heard was one person say,
"Yes, I do"
"And why is that?"
"They're breaking my rules"
Which can only mean one person.

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