Tiva: Ch.31 T.A

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Tony's POV
the word father rung inside my head. I was happy but I didn't know how to react. I was overjoyed, really. That's why I'm speechless.
"Thats,..,that's great!"
"I will come back. I'll be there in 2 days! Oh I'm so happy you aren't mad!"
"Why would I be mad?"
"I don't know. See you then!" She hung up. I didn't know how I was gonna break this to Kendra. I just had to ask her out 5 minutes before I'm going to be a father. I unlocked the door to see Kendra standing there.
"Who was that sweet cheeks?" She asked.
"Kendra don't say that, that's Ziva and I's thing." I said a bit too rude.
"Oh...." She sounded hurt
"Wait. Who's Ziva?!" She quickly snapped back.
"She's um...listen Kendra that phone call I just got after I asked you to be my girlfriend was that girl Ziva. She told me I'm going to be a father. I'm so sorry Kendra but I can't date you."
"You just fucking asked me to be your girlfriend and now you are breaking up with me?!"
"Yes Kendra I'm sorry I didn't know!"
"It's okay Tony"
"Really? Oh Thank you so much for understanding!"

--2 days later--
Today is the day I get to see Ziva!!! I'm so happy. I'm going to have to deal with Kendra until Ziva gives birth, but that's not a problem. I waited at the airport for her. She said she'd be here around noon and it's already 1:00. I'm starting to get worried. I went home and turned on the tv to try and pass the time. I was watching Red Bloods and my program got interrupted by some news alert. Great I thought. Wasting my tv time. I was shocked to see what the news was about. The big words typed across the screen had my heart in my throat.
AIRPLANE CRASH ON FLIGHT T.A 300!! T.A stands for Tel Avev.

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