Tiva: Ch.16 Yes

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Authors note: I know the past few chapters have been bo-ring! But I promise you it will get better!

Tony's POV
I caught Ziva on the elevator ride up. I pressed the emergency stop button and began to talk
"Ziva, Abby showed me the tape"
"She did!"
"Ziva don't you worry, we can date and no ex-boyfriends will hurt you!"
"It's not me I'm worried about hurting, it's you Tony."
Then I pulled her into a kiss and tousled her hair and her hands were slung over my neck. I loved her so much.
"I know the risks but I'm willing to take them, for you. Will you be my girlfriend, Ziva David?"
"Yes, yes I will." And we kissed some more. I must've pushed Ziva into the button because the doors opened and McGee was standing right there.
"Uhhhhhhhh" McGee said
Ziva and I slowly turned around.
I smiled my Tony smile
McGee answered suspiciously
And Ziva said:
"Hello Timothy"
And we walked passed him and his head followed us with a confused look on his face.

I tried to make the ending funny with an awkward moment 💕

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