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"YOU HAVE TO be the best," Olivia whispered to Natalia as they sat across from each other on Olivia's bed, hand in hand, "Not for them, but for you

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"YOU HAVE TO be the best," Olivia whispered to Natalia as they sat across from each other on Olivia's bed, hand in hand, "Not for them, but for you."

"I know," Natalia nodded, proceeding to sigh afterwards, "I have no place in the world."

"But you have one in mine," Olivia placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

Natalia immediately kissed back, just as fast as they pulled away.

It was a true miracle no one knew they had fallen in love, but it was a mystery as well. Everyone there was incredibly well at drawing information, manipulating people into telling them. Yet no one knew they had been together for the longest time.

"I love you," Natalia pushed a stray hair behind Olivia's ear that had fallen out of her messy bun.

The blonde smiled.

"I love you, too," she sighed, "Now go to bed before someone catches us."

Natalia chuckled lowly, "You're cute when you're bossy."

"Yeah, yeah," Olivia playfully shoved her, "You've told me a million times before, Nat."

"And I'll tell you it a million times more, Liv," Natalia kissed her cheek before carefully sliding into the bed next to Liv's.

"Night," Olivia yawned tiredly as she pulled the blanket over her cold body as she laid on the hard mattress.

"Night," Nat responded before she closed her eyes, also tired.

It wasn't long before both women had let the darkness consume them, awaiting the next morning.


Olivia watched from afar, watching her girlfriend shoot the fake target precisely with each shot she took. Natalia was one of the best black widows, if not the best.

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