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AS OLIVER AND NATASHA entered SHIELD, everyone had been eyeing them, seemingly recognizing them as the targets Clint was supposed to take out

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AS OLIVER AND NATASHA entered SHIELD, everyone had been eyeing them, seemingly recognizing them as the targets Clint was supposed to take out. Clint had just told them to keep walking when they glared at the agents and glitched their guns. It was quite amusing to see the other agents visibly shrink under their gaze.

"Welcome to SHIELD," Clint greeted as he walked down the stairs.

Natasha and Oliver followed Clint, stopping when he did in front of an agent. Out of instinct, they observed him. He was wearing a suit, his hair was short and his name tag read 'Agent Coulson.'

"Barton, what the hell is your mission doing here?" Coulson asked him, getting annoyed by the second as he glanced at the two assassins.

"Well," he started, "You and Fury said to kill them, but I made a different call. They don't want to be in that business anymore."

He turned to face the girls.

"Right guys?"

They nodded, staying quiet.

"Fury's not going to like this one," he shook his head and sighed, "Okay, look, if you train them and you know, tell them—not too much—about what we do here, I'll suggest them. But only if they're good."

Barton nodded.

"Yes, sir," he said before Coulson left, muttering something incoherent.

Barton raised his eyebrows and huffed.

"I didn't expect it to be that easy."

"Me neither," Natasha narrowed her eyes, "So, what now?"

"Well," Barton shrugged, "Like he said, I train you. You know, not to be an assassin, though."

"Does that mean we are good guys now?" Oliver asked.

"We'll see," Barton stated simply before walking off.

He noticed the women didn't follow him, so he rolled his eyes and turned around.

"Let's go!"

Natasha and Oliver both ran at the same time as they were holding hands, following the agent. They both smiled at the thought of doing good. It wasn't what they expected they'd be doing, especially since they wanted to live their lives out in peace together, but it was definitely a start to being better.

Maybe they'd gain more friends along the way.

Little did they know, they'd gain a family only for it to be broken apart.

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