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EACH NIGHT OLIVIA dreamt of Loki stabbing her through the abdomen which caused her to wake up screaming

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EACH NIGHT OLIVIA dreamt of Loki stabbing her through the abdomen which caused her to wake up screaming. Olivia had thought she had gotten over Loki's death, but apparently she hadn't if she kept imagining her own brother killing her.

Olivia sighed as she got out of bed, rubbing her eyes as she turned on the light of her apartment.

About a year ago, Thor had made Olivia take a break from fighting with him after she had PTSD of her past life. It wasn't so bad, but some of her episodes were strong enough to give her sensory overloads which of course wasn't good for battles.

The flashbacks had calmed down, though, and she hadn't had an episode in months, but she still had the same recurring nightmare.

Olivia made her way to the kitchen and made coffee, something Thor had taught her to make after she moved back to Earth.

A few minutes later, the coffee had finished, prompting Olivia to smile in relief before she took a sip.

All of the sudden, someone knocked on her door quite loudly.

Olivia furrowed her eyebrows as she set down her mug, confused as to why anyone was awake, much less at her apartment.

The blonde grabbed a knife from her kitchen counter and slowly walked towards the door, suspicious.

The unknown person knocked on the door a second time, it being a little louder.

Olivia grabbed the doorknob and opened the door swiftly, aiming the knife at the person.

"Whoa, there," the man who was revealed to be Thor raised his hands up in surrender. "It's just me, sister."

Olivia breathed out of relief and opened the door fully for him, taking the knife from his neck and placing it on the small table beside the door.

"What are you doing here, brother?" She turned around and made her way back to the kitchen, knowing Thor was following close behind, "It's two in the morning!"

"What were you doing?" Thor chuckled, "Right before I came, I saw your light on through the window."

"Wow," Olivia turned around, unimpressed. "Stalker much?"

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