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EVERYTHING WAS GOING right until it went wrong

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EVERYTHING WAS GOING right until it went wrong. Well, that's how it worked, obviously. But there's no time for logic. Everyone had to be executed from the SHIELD facility, excluding everyone that was in the room with Clint and Liv.

Natasha had been worried about Oliver. She had tried calling multiple times, but each time, the screen says 'Call Failed.' It was beyond frustrating for the redhead. Her wife was literally inside the crumbling building and there was nothing she could do except to sit and wait.

But before that, Oliver slid down the rope before Clint as Fury called them down.

"I gave you this detail so you both could keep a close eye on things," Fury said as he walked with Agent May and Barton.

"Well, I see better from a distance," Clint answered nonchalantly.

Oliver nodded, "Helps with seeing everything in the room. You should try it."

Fury rolled his eye and ignored the last statement.

The man continued, "Have you guys seen anything that might set this thing off?"

Oliver shook her head, "No one's come or gone."

"Selvig's clean," Clint added, "No contacts, no IMs."

Oliver agreed as she stepped up and looked at the Tesseract in front of them, "If there was any tampering, sir, it wasn't at this end."

"At this end?" Fury repeated in a questioning tone.

The blonde nodded as if it was obvious.

"Yeah, the Cube is a doorway to the other end up space, right?" She glanced at the Cube before looking back at the director, "Doors open from both sides."

Suddenly energy cracked from the Tesseract and not-so-distant rumbling was heard.

Everyone in the room looked at the Tesseract, awaiting it's reaction as it grew more and more unstable.

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