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EVERYONE WAS CURRENTLY ON A QUINJET, HEADING TO WAKANDA. They were getting ready for the big fight that would take place between them and Thanos. One of Steve's friends was already in Wakanda, so they would meet up there, along with the Wakandan king, T'Challa.

"Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0," Steve informed Sam who was flying the jet.

"I hope you're right about this," Sam said, "Or we're gonna land a lot farther than you want to."

Olivia sighed and looked over to Natasha, "You ready?"

"Mm-hm," Natasha nodded as she placed a hand on Olivia's shoulder, "Look, Liv, I know you're nervous and your sad about everything. Believe me I wish you didn't have to do this, but we have to. It's just another fight, all right? We go home after this."

Olivia nodded, "Yeah, I know. No dying."

Natasha chuckled and moved her hand up to Olivia's cheek, "No dying."

As a few minutes pass by, the jet heading straight into trees which was actually an illusion as they went straight towards it, revealing a large body of water, mountains, and a kingdom with [obviously] buildings.

It reminded Olivia of Asgard.

"Okay, we're about to land," Steve clapped, "The king is right in front of the jet."

Everyone nodded and only a few seconds later, Sam had landed the jet, prompting the doors to open.

Natasha was to the left of Steve while Olivia was on the right of him, and everyone else followed in behind them.

"Should we bow?" Bruce questioned to Rhodey which Olivia had conveniently heard.

"Yeah," Olivia whispered.

"Exactly," Rhodey agreed, "He's a king."

Olivia snorted as she came back, standing in front of the king, along with the women warriors beside and behind him.

"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something," Steve started before he shook the kings hand.

Bruce cleared his throat and began to bow before Olivia and Rhodey stopped him.

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