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WAKING UP FROM a gunshot wound to the chest wasn't ideal

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WAKING UP FROM a gunshot wound to the chest wasn't ideal. Well, it isn't exactly ideal to anyone. Especially when you wake up and find out that your best friend is now being mind controlled by a psycho alien who is from another planet.

Oliver knew everything was going to get worse, too. It was beyond frustrating, still, seeing as how all she could do was wait for Loki to breed more catastrophe and cause more destruction then he already has.

Oliver sighed as she slowly sat up from the hospital bed in the medbay she was previously resting on. She carefully looked under her chest and saw the bandaged area on her chest. She furrowed her eyebrows as she peeked inside the bandage, only to see the wound almost healed.

Sure, there were extraordinary—and mostly weird—things that happened in the universe they lived in, but surely this couldn't be happening to her.

She was probably hallucinating.

No way could a gunshot wound heal—Oliver glanced at the clock—overnight?

"Nice to see you awake," a female came into the medbay, "I'm Dr. Cho. Nice to meet you."

Oliver flashed a smile, keeping an eye on the doctor. It wasn't that the doctor was suspicious, it was just a natural thing for the blonde to do.

Liv took a deep breath, "Nice to meet you. So, uh, what happened?"

Dr. Cho placed a clipboard down.

"Well, you were shot to the chest last night and you could've died—well, you did, several times, actually—" she chuckled sheepishly when she saw Liv's wide eyes, "Anyways! Uh, I don't know if you saw, but your gunshot wound is practically healed. You went into surgery to get the bullet removed, and with nanotechnology, the wound was healed in about 40 minutes."

Liv nodded as she understood, "Okay, so what do I do now?"

Dr. Cho shrugged, "Well you can resume to normal activities although I would advise drinking more water and not pushing yourself too much. That's all, though."

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