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MARIA DREYKOV, DAUGHTER of Adrian Dreykov, is Natalia and Olivia's next target

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MARIA DREYKOV, DAUGHTER of Adrian Dreykov, is Natalia and Olivia's next target. Natalia and Olivia didn't really know who she was, they only knew Adrian Dreykov, the head of the redroom.

Olivia and Natalia studied Maria Dreykov from a distance, hoping to get her alone so they could kill her.

It was weird how Maria was their target, since she was the only person that was important to Adrien. But it did add up as the other Black Widows who gossiped told their friends about how Adrian was secretly working with SHIELD.

Guess the KGB wanted revenge.

As Maria casually walked into a bathroom with two stalls, both women shared a knowing look before rushing into the bathroom, covering Maria's mouth so she couldn't scream.

Maria was a child. She was probably 6. But that didn't faze Olivia and Natasha. They were Black Widows, after all.

They locked the door before Olivia raised a silencer to Maria's chest.

Olivia ignored Maria's pleads for her life. She had gotten used to the begging and pleading each target had done before ultimately getting killed. But, there was still a tinge of remorse and guilt knowing she would be killing a child.

Olivia took a breath before shooting her. Once Maria hit the floor, Olivia hid her gun, pulling her shirt over it. As she was about to leave, Natalia pulled her back.

"Hold on, let me fix your cap," Natalia muttered as she adjusted the black baseball cap on the blonde of the same height.

Natalia nodded when she finished.


"Okay," Olivia unlocked the door slowly, peering out to see if anyone was outside, "No one's here. Let's go."

Natalia nodded and both girls rushed out the bathroom, closing the door on their way out. They both speed walked until they stepped into their black car, Natalia in the drivers' seat.

"Madame B. said we have camp out at a motel until confirmed death," Natalia started the car, "We have to threaten the front employee to say we were there the whole night if we get caught."

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