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"IT'S BEEN FIVE YEARS, OLIVIA," Loraine sighed, "You can't keep doing this to yourself

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"IT'S BEEN FIVE YEARS, OLIVIA," Loraine sighed, "You can't keep doing this to yourself."

Olivia shook her head as she placed her head in her hands, "Who cares? They aren't here to stop me."

Loraine sighed, "Do you wanna know why I took you in?" she sat in front of the blonde, "Because you needed help. You still do."

"I don't need help," Liv insisted, her voice hardened.

"Olivia, you're on antidepressants and anti-anxiety pills," Loraine sighed and stood up, grabbing her purse off the counter, "Look, I've given you all the most help I can give. It's time for you to do your part."

Loraine opened the door and closed it behind her once she left, leaving Olivia be her thoughts.

You're probably wondering who Loraine is. She's Olivia's roommate.

After the whole fiasco with Thanos, Olivia and Natasha had broken up.

It had been too much for Nat and one day she just snapped.

That was the point in which Olivia and Natasha had grown apart.

After Olivia left, she had been out on the streets. Loraine helped Olivia get back on her feet... or at least try to.

It had been five years...

And Olivia was depressed more than ever.

It wasn't that she still dwelled on the past, though. She wasn't obsessed... she just had immense guilt which caused her to mostly stay at home, except for when she had work.

Speaking of work, Olivia picked her head up and went into her closet, picking out navy sweatpants, a navy long sleeve shirt, and a light blue hat, along with some sunglasses Tony has gifted her way back when.

She quickly changed into them, placed her sunglasses on and was off to work in the coffee shop down the street.

There were no uniforms. There was really no point anymore.

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