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"HEY, LORAINE," Olivia started as she spoke on the phone into voicemail, "So, you'll probably hear this when you get home from work

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"HEY, LORAINE," Olivia started as she spoke on the phone into voicemail, "So, you'll probably hear this when you get home from work... Uh, I know you said I had to move on, and I really tried, but I got back in. You know, with the Avengers and stuff. I know I shouldn't have, and that probably makes you feel like shit. But trust me, this is for a good cause. We're bringing everyone back. You'll get your son back. I promise. Anyways, bye."

Olivia hung up the phone and placed it on the coffee table next to her before she pulled up her sweatpants, adjusting her shirt right after.

"In a rush?" Natasha raised an eyebrow as she placed her shirt back on normally.

"Uh, yeah," Olivia nodded as she grabbed her hat next, "Someone could see us."

"Too late," a familiar voice sounded.

Olivia turned swiftly around seeing Tony lean on the doorway.

"Gotta say, though, having sex on my couch isn't very sanitary," he looked in Natasha's eyes, "Is it?"

"Ah relax, Tony," Natasha chuckled as she slid on her shirt, "I'll clean your couch."

Olivia smiled, "Long time no see."

"I'd say the same back to you," Tony shrugged, "How you been?"

"Not good," Olivia chuckled, "But I'm getting better. You?"

"I'm doing alright," the billionaire responded, "Still miss the kid, but I got my own now."

"Right," Olivia nodded, "Heard you had a daughter," Olivia patted his shoulder, "I'm sure your son would be proud."

"He's not my son," Tony pressed his lips, "And I'm pretty sure you didn't wash your hands so don't touch me."

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