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AS OLIVIA PARTIED, she met one of Steve's friends

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AS OLIVIA PARTIED, she met one of Steve's friends. He seemed like a nice guy and when she told him she had lost her memory, he didn't bombard her with questions or act weird about it. 

Not that Steve needed it, but she approved of the Midgardian named Sam.

Olivia laughed with some other people before ultimately plopping down on the seat at the bar. As she looked up, she was unfortunately (not really) met with a certain redhead.

"You enjoying yourself, sweetheart?" Natasha asked, pouring herself a drink as the newfound conversation sprouts between them.

"Mm-hm," Olivia hummed, taking a sip of the Asgardian drink that was aged 1,000 years in the barrels built from the reach of Grunhel's fleet.

"So, you remember anything else today?"

"Nope," Olivia shook her head, "Like I've said a million times before."

Natasha scoffed lightly, growing irritated with Olivia's remarks, "Well excuse me for being nice and caring about your health."

Olivia furrowed her eyebrows, offendedly.

"See, Natasha, this is exactly your problem," she slammed her drink on the bar, causing part of the room to go quiet and direct their attention to the two women, "Why do you always do that?"

"Do what?" Nat questioned, taking a sip of her drink, pretending she was unphased.

Liv slammed the drink out of her hand in annoyance, ignoring the exclaim (and the glass breaking) from Natasha when she did.

Olivia rolled her eyes, "I told you I wanted nothing to do with my old life. Why is that so hard to understand?"

"You know why!" the ex-assassin's voice hardened as she looked at Olivia intensely.

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