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IT HAD BEEN a long year, one of which Olivia hoped she would not have the chance in doing more

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IT HAD BEEN a long year, one of which Olivia hoped she would not have the chance in doing more. She was exhausted from the fights, getting hurt. Of course, she knew that was not possible as she was an Avenger. A good one at that.

So, as she laid in bed, a deep sleep overtaking her, she couldn't help but suddenly wake up screaming. She had been having these terrible dreams of late... Asgard, to be exact. At the center of the planet, all she could see was a being named 'Surtur' at the center of it.

"Hey, hey hey!" Natasha woke up, sitting up, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Olivia panted as she wiped the sweat that coated her forehead, "Nothing. I'm sorry for waking you up."

"It's okay," Natasha shook her head, rubbing the blonde's back soothingly, "You have nothing to be sorry about, Liv. Nothing at all. What happened?"

"This nightmare keeps coming back to me," Olivia's breathing remained heavy, "I don't know why I keep having it."

"What is it?" Natasha asked as she turned on the lamp beside the bed.

Olivia sighed, "Asgard. I always have this dream where it gets ripped apart. At the center is this creature-guy who keeps talking about Ragnorok. I don't know. It's stupid, but it felt so real. I-I think it is."

"Are you sure it isn't just a made up nightmare?" Natasha asked, cupping the blonde's face.

"Yeah," Olivia shrugged as she nodded, "It feels too real and detailed to be made up."

"Then it's real," Natasha sighed, "And I think you know what you need to do."

The goddess studied her wife's eyes and as she came to a realization, she immediately disapproved.

"No, no, no, no," Olivia waved her hands as she stood up, "I'm not doing that."

"I don't want you to do it either, but what if he's having the same dream?"

"Unless he comes to me first, then I'm not going!"

Just then, loud knocking could be sounded at the door, meaning only one thing.

Olivia reluctantly stood up, on her way to figure out who could be knocking at this hour.

Natasha followed, her gun automatically between her hands as she was suspicious of who would knock on their door at the crack of dawn.

Olivia groaned and opened the door, her brother being revealed.

Olivia shook her head as she looked at the god in front of her, "What're you doing here, brother?"

Natasha pursed her lips and put away her gun before she walked over beside Liv. "Yeah, Thor, what's going on?"

Thor walked I got her apartment and shut the door behind him, "I was just wondering, uh, Olivia," he turned to the blonde, "Are you having those dreams, too?"

"Oh, for fucks' sake!" Olivia threw her hands up, "Right at the exact moment, too!"

"So, you are?" Thor's eyes widened, "Because they feel real! Like too real!"

Natasha nodded, "Olivia said that, too!"

Thor gasped and turned to Liv, "You need to come to Asgard with me."

"Okay, can we stop talking!" Olivia shouted, shutting them up, "Yes, I've been having them, and no, I'm not going with you," she turned to Natasha who had a glare on her face, "And you can't convince me."

The redhead rolled her eyes, "Olivia, please. You need to protect your home."



"Because you're my home!" Olivia snapped, "You'll always be my home! I-I can't," Olivia shook her head as she sat down at a chair, "I can't leave you, Natasha. Not again."

Natasha sighed and walked over to Olivia, crouching down and grabbing her hand, "You'll come back, though. Olivia, all I've ever wanted for you was to be happy."

"I'm happy when I'm with you, though!"

"But you're also happy when you're with your family!" Natasha retorted, "Olivia, do you know how many times I've seen you talk about Loki, the proud glint that clouds your eyes? Or how you talk about Thor," she gestured to the god who stood with a small growing smile, "...the admiration in your eyes? I know Loki's gone, but you still have another brother left. I want you to be with him, be the happiest you can be."

Olivia sighed, but knew she was right.

"What would I do without you?" Olivia chuckled, her forehead reaching Natasha's as she cupped the blonde's face.

"You'd probably be dead," Natasha laughed, "But hey, I convinced you," she teased, "And you said I couldn't."

"Alright, alright," Olivia giggled, "I'll go. But I'll visit. Frequently."

"Agreed," Natasha nodded and pulled her forehead back. She pulled the goddess up, walking her in front of Thor, "Be safe, you two," she turned to Thor, full seriousness lastered on her face, "She gets even a scratch on her skin, I'll kill you."

Thor nodded and gulped, "Okay..." he turned to Olivia, "You ready?"

Olivia nodded, "I am," she turned to Natasha and kissed her, "Bye, Natasha."

"Bye, Olivia," Natasha smiled, letting go of her hand, retreating to the bedroom.

Liv looked up at her brother and summoned mjolnir, twirling it around in her fingers as they walked out of her apartment, "So, what's been going on? We gonna go to Asgard right this minute?"

"Well, actually..." Thor cleared his throat, "We do have to search for the rest of the infinity stones, but right after we'll visit Asgard."

Olivia groaned, "You serious?!"


"Ugh... fine!"

And that's how that conversation went. Now Olivia would be on an adventure with her dear brother, missing her wife along the way.

How exciting.

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