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"THEY ARE COMING," Oliver commented to Natasha as they walked towards the entrance where Tony, Pepper and Happy were coming

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"THEY ARE COMING," Oliver commented to Natasha as they walked towards the entrance where Tony, Pepper and Happy were coming.

"I know, Liv," Natasha responded, "Just relax. What could go wrong?"

Oliver spotted Tony and cleared her throat, "Mr. Stark?"

"Hey," Tony greeted as he took of his sunglasses.

"Hello," Oliver smiled politely, "How was your flight?"

"It was excellent," Tony responded before he softly sighed of relief, "Boy it's so nice to see you two."

"Mr. Stark, you have one photographer from the ACM, if you don't mind," Natasha stated as she grabbed the drinks back, placing it on the server's tray, "Okay?"

"Mm-hm," Tony hummed in approval. They both got out of frame slightly hearing the banter between Tony and Pepper before he told her to smile.

"Stop acting constipated. Don't flare up your nostrils," Tony insulted the women, causing Oliver to snort in amusement.

Luckily Pepper didn't hear her, or the cough that was emitted after Natasha slapped Oliver's back painfully hard.

"You are so predictable," Pepper laughed sarcastically.

"That's the amazing thing."

"Right this way," Oliver turned back, leading the way with Natasha on her side.

"You both look fantastic," Tony squeezed his way into the middle of them two.

"Why, thank you very much," Natasha smiled.

"Thank you," Oliver smiled, too.

"But that's unprofessional," Tony added as he placed his sunglasses indoors, "What's on the docket?"

"You have a 9:30 dinner," Natasha answered right before Tony took them off again.

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