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OLIVIA FELT WEIRD as she woke up

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OLIVIA FELT WEIRD as she woke up. She had awoken in a dark-ish room, surrounded by a bunch of women who were doing their own things.

"Glad to see you're awake," one of the women said, "That was quite a long nap you took there, miss."

The woman had dark red hair, along with blue eyes and a bright smile.

"How long was I out?" Olivia sat up slightly before she winced at the pain in her abdomen.

"Oh," the woman rushed over to her, "You probably shouldn't do that."

She laid her back down again.

"See, we healed you but you'll still be experiencing some pain. It would be best if you got some more rest."

"Yeah, you're probably right," Liv nodded before her eyebrows furrowed, "Hey, so can you tell me what happened?"

"Well you were stabbed through the stomach and you died. Heimdall sent you here after seeing your battered state. Luckily we were able to bring you back in time."

"Who's Hiemdall?"

"He's the all-seeing and all-knowing. He is the sole protector of the Bifrost."

"Right," Olivia nodded, pretending to understand.

The blonde cleared her throat.

"So, why can't I remember the incident of when I got stabbed? Or anything else for that matter? "

"Well that's currently unclear. There are no signs of head trauma, which is a likely way in losing your memory. You've been out for almost a year."

"A year?! Wait- so I'm an amnesiac?"

"Temporarily," another woman with brown hair answered for the woman, "We'll do everything in our power to help you regain your memory, though, your highness."

"'Your highness'?" Olivia repeated, completely and utterly confused.

"Why yes," the brunette nodded, "You are the Goddess."

"Goddess?! I'm a Goddess?!" Liv freaked out, her eyes widened as she looked between the two women.

"Don't worry!" The red-haired woman waved her hands around frantically, "We have other gods here on Asgard, too."

"Okay, okay," that seemed the calm the blonde off, "So am I the goddess of anything specific? I mean, like, isn't that how it works?"

"Yes and yes."

"So... Goddess of what exactly?" Olivia tilted her head in curiousness.

"Well, miss..."

The brown hair lady finished the red-haired woman's sentence.

"You are the Goddess of Weaponry."

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