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LOKI, THOR, OLIVIA and Jane walked along the dark world as they planned to meet up with Malekith

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LOKI, THOR, OLIVIA and Jane walked along the dark world as they planned to meet up with Malekith. Loki was looking weird, crouching down as he walked. He looked like a crab. Thor was walking beside Jane, and Olivia was walking normally, her light blue cape flowing in the air.

"All right. Are you ready?" Thor asked Jane once they all saw Malkith and is other soldiers walk towards them.

Jane nodded.

"I am," Loki answered, even though the question was not directed towards him.

Olivia agreed, "I am, too."

"Don't forget," Loki mused as he turned to Olivia.

Liv laughed and playfully shoved him, "You are ruthless."

Loki chuckled before he got up with Thor and Jane. He helped Olivia up, the nice big brother that he is.

"You know this plan of yours is going to get us killed," Loki said to Thor.

"Yes, possibly," he answered.

"I've already died once," Liv let out a breath, "What's the harm in doing it twice, right?"

Loki nodded agreeingly, "I get that."

Olivia gasped but he ignored it as he raised his hands up in front of Thor.

Thor glanced at them, unwary of uncuffing him.

"You still don't trust me, brother?"

"Would you?" Thor chuckled mockingly before he reluctantly took of his handcuffs.

Loki looked back in the distance, "No, I wouldn't."

Olivia prepared herself for the big act she had to play next. Loki was to fake stab Thor, but make it look like he did with an illusion, thus making it seem like he betrayed him and Olivia.

Loki then "stabbed" Thor according to plan, leaving Thor to roll down the hill they were on.

"Thor!" Jane yelled as she thought the act was real.

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