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"NO!" Olivia screamed as she ran to Loki

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"NO!" Olivia screamed as she ran to Loki.

Not knowing who said the word, out of instinct Loki stabbed Olivia too.

He immediately retracted the spear after realizing who it was.

As Olivia fell to the ground, Loki also fell out of agony and sadness.

Olivia tried to catch her breath while Loki pleaded and apologized over and over again, trying to heal the blonde.

"I don't wanna go. Please. I-I don't," Olivia cries, the pain from her abdomen making black spots appear in her vision.

"I-I'm sorry," Loki wiped his tears took a deep, shakily breath, "Olivia... I-I bid you will take your place in the halls of Valhalla where the brave shall live forever."

He sighed as he looked into her eyes.

"Nor shall we mourn the death that awaits you," he choked a sob, "b-but we shall rejoice for those that have died the glorious death."

He kissed her forehead.

"I love you, Ollie."

Olivia jolted awake, the dream replaying over and over again in her head. It all felt so real, as if it were actually her.

As if it actually happened.

Liv stood up and went to the kitchen, grabbing some coffee. The drink felt like the only thing that kept her stable as of right now.

As Olivia drank the coffee, she sat down at the dining table, tapping her foot repeatedly as she tried to get the nightmare out of her head.

"Can't sleep?" A female voice asked as she pulled out a chair in front of Olivia.

"No," Olivia shook her head as she glanced up at Natasha. "I can never sleep."

"And why's that?" The redhead asked the blonde.

She sighed. "Every night I dream of my dead brother stabbing me through the stomach, and I just can't get it out of my head. I guess I haven't moved on yet."

Natasha furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head. "Olivia, that's not a dream... Loki did stab you through the stomach."

Olivia froze, her heart dropped to the ground.


"Yeah," Nat nodded, confused as to why she didn't know by now. "That's how he did it... I thought Thor told you."

"N-No... he didn't," Olivia drew in a breath, standing up from her chair. "L-Loki killed me? A-And nobody told me?"

Natasha was about to respond, but Liv continued.

"That's why Loki wouldn't budge! He wasn't protecting me, he was protecting himself, knowing I would get mad!" She growled, "If he was still alive I would kill him right now."

Natasha stood up and went beside her. Her hand wrapped around her hand soothingly. "Olivia, call down. Loki probably did it because he knew you would react this way."

Olivia shook her head, snatching her arm away. "You don't know a thing about him or me."

"I do know you, Olivia. I've known you for over a decade."

"No, you don't!" Liv lashed out, her eyes beginning to go to their piercing blue. "You know the old Olivia—Oliver, Agent May, whatever!—but you don't know me. I'm not the person you remember. I'm someone else."

"I know, but there has to be some of the old Olivia still inside of you."

Olivia scoffed. "You Midgardians really don't get it, do you? I'm not her! I don't care if you give me pictures or talk to me about her, it changes nothing! Why is that so hard to believe?!"

"Because you just came back from the dead!" Natasha shouted back. "Olivia, for the longest time, I thought my wife had died. But here she is now, alive and healthy, walking and talking in front of me. We used to be in love! So if we're not that anymore, what are we?!"

"We're nothing," Olivia retorted harshly, her breathing erratic. "Nothing, Lady Natasha. Let me make myself clear. I do not like you. You are annoying and obnoxious. You are the very bane of my existence. Please, just get out of my face."

Natasha remained silent for a few seconds, her expression becoming cold and hard by the second.

"Well whoever you are now, I don't like you either." Natasha scoffed before she put her hand in her pocket, looking for an object.

Once she found it, she pulled the object out, revealing a gold ring.

She slid it to the blonde. "I'd hate to have a wedding ring of a woman I don't know."

And with that, she retreated back to her room, leaving Olivia alone with the ring and her thoughts.

Olivia glanced at the wedding band one last time before angrily stuffing it in her pocket and going back in her room.

She couldn't leave it.

It was somehow special to her.

And Olivia hated that.

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