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AS OLIVER RAN, she dodged the explosives that littered the ground

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AS OLIVER RAN, she dodged the explosives that littered the ground. She pulled out an arrow and put in on her bow, releasing it and successfully taking out some men who were on the target's side. Oliver and Clint were currently on a mission, taking out some dangerous criminals. When Fury assigned them the mission, it was supposed to be an easy said and done, but that obviously wasn't the case.

Jasper Musgrove. The name of their target, the person they had to bring in. Oliver and Clint already knew all the information about him, reading it on the file Fury had provided for them.

He looked like your average, simple guy. Lives in a simple house in Fresno, California, his height is 5'11, weighs 239lbs, his favorite color is green, etc. But he wasn't average at all. He was actually reported under the suspicion of human trafficking.

Boy, you sure don't live that one down.

Oliver pulled down her mask and her hood as she tapped the comms as she chased Jasper, "I see him!"

"Good!" Clint shouted over the loud commotion and wind as he stood on a rooftop, "You near me?!"

"Uh..." Oliver rolled her sleeve up and tapped the quantum device Stark made on her arm, immediately getting Clint's location.

She was about to pass him and it was going to be the perfect time to restrict Jasper.

Oliver nodded.

"Yeah! Be ready!" She dodged an explosive, "We're gonna pass right by you! I would shoot him in the leg right now if I weren't out of arrows and ammo!"

Clint nodded as he squinted to get a clearer image.

"I see him!" He pulled back his arrow before freeing it.

As Jasper ran, the bow got him right in the calf, prompting him to fall and scream out in pain. Liv then halted to a stop right beside him, pulling him up as she placed SHIELD handcuffs on him.

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