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THE TEAM SAT on the quinjet quietly as the things they saw ran through their heads

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THE TEAM SAT on the quinjet quietly as the things they saw ran through their heads. Olivia had her face buried in her hands as she sat in one of the seats, covering the tears she was currently shedding.

"The news is loving you guys," Maria Hill said on as she was on video call with him. "Nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest but it's in the air."

"The Stark Relief Foundation?" Tony questioned.

"Already on the scene," Maria confirmed, "How's the team?"

"Everyone's..." he glanced at them before sighing, "We took a hit. We'll shake it off."

"Well, for now, I'd stay in stealth mode and stay away from here."

"So, run and hide?"

"Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer."

Tony sighed, "Neither do we."

He then turned off the video call, stilling over to Clint, saying a few words Olivia didn't bother to hear.

Olivia rubbed her face, sighing a shaking breath as she tried to contain herself. She wasn't one to display too many negative emotions, nonetheless cry in front of everyone.

But alas, she couldn't stop from breaking down in the jet, everyone hearing her sobs. Olivia continued, not bothered to wipe the tears that stained her face. She went in her pocket and pulled out the souvenir she had with her at all times.

Her wedding ring.

She stared at it and chuckled through her cries, putting it back on.

"Hey," Thor walked over to Olivia, sitting down in the seat beside her, "That bad?"

Olivia nodded, "Yeah," she wiped her tears, "So bad."

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