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AS OLIVIA SAT DOWN, LEANING AGAINST THE WALL, SHE TWIRLED WITH HER HAIR AND CHEWED HER GUM, BORED OUT OF HER MIND. She had been stuck in the cell she was put in for weeks, and even though she made some new friends, it was still boring. Loki had come to visit her sometimes, but Olivia had learned to ignore him, prompting him to visit less and less. Though she did miss him, she was still mad at him.

Suddenly the door opened and someone was thrown in. They stood up and started banging on the door, probably angry.

"Hey, hey, hey," Olivia's friend, Korg started, "Take it easy, man."

They turned around, their face revealing to be the one and only Thor. He couldn't see her because she was on the far left, so she had just been watching him, pursing her lips.

"Over here," Korg waved, "The pile of rocks waving at you. Here. Yeah, I'm actually a thing. I'm a being. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Korg. I'm kind of like the leader here... we'll probably not anymore. My friend is a better leader. She's scary," Thor furrowed his eyebrows and Korg shrugged, "I'm made of rocks, as you can see. But don't let that intimidate you," he stood up, "You don't need to be afraid unless you're made of scissors."

Korg chuckled and Olivia snorted, causally chewing on her gum.

"Just a little rock-paper-scissor joke for you," he looked down at Miek, "This is my very good friend over here, Miek," the creature waved with his knife hand, "He's an insect and has knives for hands," Korg nodded before pointing to the far left, "That's my other good friend Livvie. She hates when I call her that, but I do it anyway, even though she'll probably kill me."

"Mm-hm," Olivia stood up, slowing walking over to them, "You got that right, puddin."

Thor turned and his eyes widened. He put his hand up, slightly waving. He was obviously very surprised to see his sister who he thought was dead.

"She also calls me puddin," Korg added, "As to why, I'll never know."

"Because when I kill you, I'll smush your rocks down, and put them in the pudding Banner keeps in the refrigerator, labeled just for him," Olivia smiled as she blew a bubble, "Well, if he ever shows up. Don't like him, though. He has a crush on Natasha."

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