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WELL, IT WAS TIME. Olivia could hear the audience's cheers, clapping, and snack eating from behind the doors as she stood beside her brother, getting ready to fight.

She looked at her brother, his short hair suiting him well.

The old man hadn't cut her hair, instead a woman who was a hairdresser readjusted her pigtails and did her makeup.

She had eye makeup that matched her hair and a red lip to tight it together. When she was shown a mirror, Olivia immediately loved it, thanking the hairdresser.

The hairdresser had only smiled and nodded, muttering a 'good luck'.

"Wow!" Grandmaster's voice could be heard, "Look at all of you," he laughed, "What a show! What a night! Who's having fun?"

More cheering sounded.

"Please, I'm your host," Grandmaster resumed, "Big round of applause for all of our undercard competitors who today died so gruesomely. Good sports."

Thor and Olivia shared a look, mainly of fear.

"What a show! What a night!" Grandmaster repeated his previos statements again, "This is what you've come for, and so have I. And now, without further ado... it's main event time," the audience cheered once more, "Making their first appearances, though they look quite promising... got a couple of tricks up their sleeves."

The door began to open, the light peering through every half a second.

"I'll say no more, see what you think," Grandmaster smiled, "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you..."

Thor walked out first as the guards told him to.

"First up, Lord of Thunder," he introduced the god.

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