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IT HAD BEEN a week since the whole hospital-fire situation happened, excluding the two days they worked on killing Maria Dreykov

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IT HAD BEEN a week since the whole hospital-fire situation happened, excluding the two days they worked on killing Maria Dreykov. Natalia and Olivia had been living in Budapest, waiting for things to go quiet so they could finally live their days out in peace.

As Olivia sat down in the bathroom on a stool, she winced slightly at the pain of her wound. Natalia was currently bandaging it for the blonde.

They didn't have the proper tools to stitch it, so they had been putting ointment they found in the bag of things they used to start the fire, placing it on the wound daily and bandaging it so it at least wouldn't get infected and would slightly heal.

"Thanks," Olivia said to Natalia as she rolled her sleeve down.

She stood up and grabbed the stool, placing it in the small bedroom. She then got under the covers, going to the left side so she could face Natalia as she laid on her right.

"It's nothing, baby," Natalia responded as she turned off the bathroom light, closing the door on her way out.

She also got under the covers, pulling her fiancé closer as they cuddled.

"I love you, Natalia," Olivia breathed out as she laid her head in the crook of Natalia's neck.

"I love you more, Olivia," Natalia responded, "We're free, now, you know. We can finally get that peaceful life we've always wanted."

"Yeah," Liv smiled, "I'm glad we're here together. Soon we'll get married, live in a better home once we find jobs."

She sighed happily as she tilted her head up towards the redhead so they were now looking at each other in the eyes.

"This is all going to work out."

"Yeah," Natalia grinned as she kissed the blonde, "It will."


"This isn't what I thought when I said everything was going to work out!" Olivia shouted as her and Natalia were running away from Adrian Dreykov's men.

He had figured out where the two women were staying and he went to the house to kill them. They had awoken once the fire spread throughout the house, prompting them to jump out the window.

Natalia and Olivia had quite a few cuts from jumping out, but they were pretty much used to it, so when they successfully got out of the house, they started running, occasionally shooting the men that came after them with the pistols they kept on them at all times.

"And you think I thought we'd be doing this too?!" Natasha asked as she shot a man in the head.

"Well, no, but still!" Olivia yelled over the loud gunshot noises as she shot a man in the heart.

As they both ran, they found a shed, running into it as they hid out. They both could hear Adrian Dreykov speaking to the men, wondering where the redhead and the blonde went.

Just then, the door creaked open. Natalia immediately raised her gun, ready to pull the trigger.

As the the person came in, he immediately put his hands up, "Wait!"

Olivia squinted her eyes to get a better view, only seeing half of the man's face through the lights that were on at night.

"It's the man from last week," Olivia raised her pocket knife to his neck.

She studied him, but as she did, she noticed that his bow and arrow wasn't even in his hands.

The blonde furrowed her eyebrows, "Why don't you have your bow and arrow?"

"Because I'm not here to kill you guys anymore," he answered, "I need to stop the guy who's trying to kill you both."

"So you basically want to help us? Why?" Natalia asked, "Because like you said, you tried to kill us before."

The guy rolled his eyes.

"Look, the guy who's trying to kill you went behind SHIELD's back. He's also the person who runs the red room. He's playing his own game."

He looked at them both.

"You know, I thought about what you guys said back at the hospital fire," he slowly lowered his hands, "You both didn't have a choice, did you?"

Natalia and Olivia glanced at one another before shaking their heads.

He nodded, "Yeah, figured."

He cleared his throat.

"Okay, you guys have three options. You both could try to fight your way out of this and most likely get killed, surrender quietly and live the rest of your lives in a maximum security prison, or become a SHIELD agent."

"I don't know," Natalia shrugged, "We have a lot of red on our ledgers."

Olivia agreed.

"I'm guessing you're talking about the third option," he raised an eyebrow, "Well, you know, we all got a dark past," he paused when he heard a truck pulling in, "I'd love to chat some more, but we need to take out Dreykov. He's too dangerous. So if you're planning on betraying me, do it now."

Natalia shook her head, "No. We'll help."

Olivia nodded, retracting her knife from the direction of his neck, "Yeah, let's go."


"Where are we going?" Natalia asked as she intertwined her fingers with Olivia's.

"You'll see," the man answered.

"You didn't even tell us your name, how are we supposed to follow you?" Natalia stopped walking.

He groaned and turned around, "Agent Clint Barton, 'kay? That's my name. Now, since we're doing names, you might as well tell me yours."

Natalia cleared her throat, "Natasha Romanoff."

"And you?" He turned to Olivia, "What's yours?"

"May. Oliver May," Olivia answered, both women using their fake names. It'll help with the KGB not following them, but it would also would help them get rid of part of their past.

"Nice to meet you, Natasha and Oliver," Clint nodded, "Now, can we get going?"

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