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OLIVIA WALKED WITH Thor to the BiFrost where Heimdall was

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OLIVIA WALKED WITH Thor to the BiFrost where Heimdall was. As they entered, his back was turned to them, his gold armor illuminated from the stars he was looking out at. Alongside that, Thor's cape was flowing in the wind, along with Olivia's.

Frigga and Odin thought it would be a good idea for Olivia to have a cape, along with her own personal suit.

The suit's majority was black with white lines in the creases and the cape being blue.

Olivia's hair flowed freely in the wind, something that was always in the family.

Thor, Loki, Odin and even Frigga always had their hair somewhat down.

"You're late," Heimdall acknowledged Thor presence, "And you brought your sister."

"Merriment can sometimes be a heavier burden than battle," Thor replied.

"Then you're doing one of them incorrectly."

Thor chuckled, "Perhaps."

Olivia walked up to the man, "Thank you, sir, for saving my life."

"No need to thank me, your highness," Heimdall responded, "It is my sworn duty to protect the royal family, along with the residents of Asgard."

Olivia nodded and smiled, accepting the statements.

Thor walked up beside Olivia, "How fare the stars?"

"Still shining," Heimdall answered, "From here, I can see nine realms and ten trillion souls."

He looked down at Thor before lifting the sword and placing it down again, prompting the wheels in the circular building to start moving, them shifting the building.

He stepped down from his podium, "Do you recall why I taught you of the Convergence?"

"Yes," Thor nodded, "The alignment of the worlds. It approaches, doesn't it?"

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