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OLIVIA WAS COMPLETELY unaware of her past life as she strolled through the halls of the palace

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OLIVIA WAS COMPLETELY unaware of her past life as she strolled through the halls of the palace. It was weird, feeling like you had a home, but not knowing where it was. The blonde decided to move on, though. If she couldn't remember, there wasn't a point to keep digging.

Her home was on Asgard now.

Not anywhere else, no matter how hard she tried to remember where 'anywhere else' was.

Olivia sighed as she ran her fingers on the wall, the texture grazing them. As she walked, she came to a stop upon double doors.

She tilted her head, but nonetheless walked inside.

As she stepped inside, everyone's head snapped over to the blonde.

The people were all in cells, aside from the guards.

As she walked in, she looked around, ignoring the cheering and whistles of her.

As she walked even more, she came at a stop of one raven haired man. It was the bare minimum, but he was the only one who wasn't cheering at her, sexualizing her every move.

"Hello," Olivia shyly greeted the man.

The man didn't spare her one glance, "Go away."

Olivia frowned but nonetheless stayed put, "No."

"No?" he scoffed and sat up, "You're telling me-"

His face dropped as he looked upon the blonde.


"Yes?" Olivia tilted her head in confusion, "That's me."

The man rushed over to the clear cell walls, "O-Olivia, I thought you dead!"

"Well, I'm not," Olivia responded sheepishly.

"H-How?" he looked at her up and down as tears welled up in his eyes, "How are you alive?"

"I don't know. I can't remember anything," she shrugged before she gasped, "Wait, do you know how it happened? I mean, I know I was stabbed through the stomach, but, like, how did it even happen?"

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