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"HEY," Steve called out, Ollie's thoughts interrupted, "Liv

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"HEY," Steve called out, Ollie's thoughts interrupted, "Liv."

"Yeah?" Olivia's head snapped over to him, "What's up?"

"Let's go," Steve tilted his head towards the small time machine that stood outside, "Or are you rethinking this?"

"I'm not," Olivia shook her head, rushing over to the top of the machine, right beside him, "I'm happy to go."

"Great," Steve picked up Mjolnir with his other hand while one hand picked up the suitcase.

"Need help?" Olivia raised an eyebrow.

"No, not re-"

Olivia summoned Mjolnir to her hands.

"You're welcome," she grinned at him.

Steve laughed and looked back at Bucky, "See ya later, punk."

"Wait," Bruce called out, "Olivia..."


"When I had the stones... I really tried, man. I tried bringing her back. I'm sorry."

Olivia sighed, "At least you tried."


"You deserve to be selfish, Steve," Olivia said, "Go to Peggy."

They had returned all the stones to their rightful places, and were now resting at a bench in the 1940s, right next to Peggy's house.

Steve had been deciding whether or not he should go in, especially since it's been a few years since he died in this time.

Steve shrugged, "Ah, I don't know, people still need me over there."

Olivia shook her head, "Steve, you've been fighting your whole life. This... this was the fight of our lives," she pursed her lips, "You can go. Let them handle it back home."

A smile grew on Steve's face, "You sure?"

"Positive," Olivia stood up, turning back around towards him, "Go, Cap."

The man stood up and hugged her.

Olivia immediately hugged back tightly, patting his back.

Steve pulled back, "And what will you do?"

"I was thinking of going home, but now I have a different idea," Olivia chuckled, "Thank you, Steve."

"For what?"

"For everything," Olivia smiled as her suit appeared again, "I'll see you in another life, Cap. Promise me this, though."


"You'll come back home at one point," Olivia continued, "I'll do it, too. It'd be nice seeing you again."

Steve chuckled and nodded, "Of course, Liv. I promise."

Olivia smiled and bid farewell before she inserted the extra Pym Particle, and traveling to the year 2013.

She immediately arrived in the Avengers Tower, first floor.

Olivia knew what what she was doing was very impulsive and may have a bad affect on any other timelines, but she wanted to be selfish, she wanted to do this.

She had to.

Olivia rushed over to the receptionist, "Hi. I'm looking for Natasha Romanoff, is she here?"

The receptionist looked up at her with wide eyes, "Y-Yes, Agent May. S-Second Floor."

Olivia nodded and smiled before teleporting, ignoring the shocked stares she received when she immediately started looking for the redhead.

When she just about gave up, she took one more look before seeing her.

"Natasha," Olivia breathed out, a growing smile appearing on her face as she paused to look at her.

Natasha froze and turned around slowly. Her body slumped in relief as she looked upon Olivia.

She immediately ran to the blonde, engulfing her in a bone crushing hug.

"W-what are you doing here? H-how are you here? Y-you died!" Natasha rambled, cupping Olivia's face as she went over every inch of her body, making sure she was okay.

Olivia chuckled as tears were now in her eyes as seeing Natasha's worrying again was a huge relief.

She cupped the redhead's face as well, "It's okay, Natasha. I'm okay."

"I'm so glad," Nat chuckled as tears fell out of her eyes, rolling down her cheeks as she looked at her.

It had been a while since she had seen Olivia. Well, the other Olivia for that matter.

Their foreheads joined together.

Olivia wiped the redhead's tears, "Let's go home."

Natasha smiled, "Home."


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