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OLIVER, NATASHA, HAPPY, and Pepper all arrived at the Stark Expo on time for Justin Hammer's presentation

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OLIVER, NATASHA, HAPPY, and Pepper all arrived at the Stark Expo on time for Justin Hammer's presentation. As Happy halted to a stop, Natasha exited the passenger seat and opened the back seat door, holding it for Pepper, while Happy did the same on the other side except holding it for Oliver.

"Thanks," Oliver said to Happy as she made her way by Pepper. Liv was on the right side of Pep while Nat was on the left.

"No problem," he responded before directing his attention to Pepper, "I'll keep the car down here, all right?"

"Thank you, Happy," Pepper stated before closing the car door. All three women then started walking up the stairs, their purpose to enter the building.

A few minutes later, they entered the building taking seats on the left side. They waited a few more minutes before Justin Hammer appeared on the stage, dancing to the tune of the music.

Pepper, Natasha, and Oliver shared a look of cringe, confusion and disgust all at once.

"That's what I'm talking about," Justin went to the podium, "Thanks for coming. Ladies and gentlemen. For far too long, this country has had to place brave men and women in harm's way, but then the Iron Man arrived, and we thought the days of losing lives were behind us. Sadly, that technology was kept out of reach. That's not fair. That's not right. And it's just too bad."

Pepper sighed, "Oh, Lord."

Oliver and Natasha both furrowed their eyebrows, their suspicions growing about Justin Hammer.

Hammer continued, "Regardless, it was an impressive innovation, one that grabbed headlines the world over. Well, today, my friends, the press is faced with quite a different problem. They are about to run out of ink."

Scattered applause sounded, everyone confused.

He then muttered something no one could hear.

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