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OLIVIA WAS FLOATING IN SPACE, NEARLY DEAD. She had just woken up and she was freaking out as the Asgardian part of her could breath, but the human part could not.

Then she found herself someplace else.

It was weird.

As Olivia looked around, she found herself remembering where she was.

The house.

The house Olivia and Natasha stayed in at Budapest.

Olivia stood up from the bed she was suddenly on, making her way to the kitchen before she froze in her steps, seeing Natasha; her short redhead bob, bouncing up and down as she made herself coffee.

Olivia sighed as she cut right to the chase, knowing she could always vent to the redhead.

"I can't do it."

"Yes, you can," Natasha answered immediately as she placed her mug underneath the coffee machine.

"No, I can't," Olivia walked closer, "I can't do anything, Natasha. I'm stuck in the middle of space, I can't use my powers, and I haven't seen you in forever," the blonde shook her head, "I'm gonna die."

"You're wrong," Natasha looked at her, "First, you can use your powers, therefore meaning you will not die. When you teleport to Earth, you'll then be able to see me."

Olivia placed her head in her hands, "I'm not strong enough."

Natasha lifted Olivia's head up, her finger under her chin, "You're the strongest person I've ever met, Olivia. You can do this."

"And what if I can't?"

Natasha shook her head and placed her hands on Olivia's shoulder, "You will."

saudade ⇒ n. romanoff ✓Where stories live. Discover now