chapter 1

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Mr and Mrs Joong and Mr and Mrs traipipa. Got married at the same time, the joong couple has the first one to have a child. Then. After two years the traipipa had their own.

Joong and traipipa have been friends since childhood, so they also want their children to be friends. But they don't get along to each other, since then.  gulf hated mew since they were a kid. 

The joong and traipipa couple came up the plan hoping that it will work and their sons can be friends.


Mews pov

"Son, are done packing your things" my mom ask me.

" Yes mom I did last night" I answer " mom it's okay that I'm staying in gulf's house? I can stay in the  condo!"

"Yes son, we already talk obout it" dad said.

"We want you and gulf to get along ,and if you're going to be boyfriends and get married, thats better." Mom added.

I was surprised by what mommy said.

"What! are you serious mom?"

"Yes, of course you are our child, even if you don't tell us. We know you've loved gulf for a long time." Dad said

I was even more surprised by what my father said. I never told them and I'm hiding it as much  as I can.

"Son, we are not angry or disappointed with you,we are your parents. It is our juty to support in everything you want  do and accept who ever you love." My mom said and hug me tight.

I am so emotional from what I've Heard from them, I am so lucky that they are my parents.

"Gulf parents already know about this, so all you have  to do is to court and tame the tiger that soon to be your wife" and said and wink at me

Mom and I just laughed.

It took  six hours  to reach their place, my mom and dad  ride with their own car and I ride my own car.

We saw gulf father waiting outside their house.

"Finally your here, weve been waiting for you" gulf dad said.

He shook my father's hand and kissed my mother's cheek.

" Welcome to our home son in law" gulf's dad chuckled and tapped my shoulder.

"Thanks uncle " I replied.

Their house is big just like ours they have two cars, park in the garage.

"Hello there," gulf mom said. She hug my parents,

" Oh mew my handsome son in law " she happily said and pinch my cheek.

I looked around inside the house I was hoping to see him.

" If you looking for gulf his not here today, he go to the mall with hes friends"tita said.

" Don't worry son, you can see him everyday since you are staying with us from now on." Tito added" by the way you can call us mom and dad or ma and pa after all you are going to be our son in-law"

I just smiled at them, how they are sure that gulf wants me to be his husband, Even just  look at me  he couldn't do.

Tita take me to my room.

" Mew this we'll be your room, and that room in front of your is gulf's room. I'll leave you now, so you can rest. " Tita said.

"Thanks tita" I said.

I arrange my clothes and other belongings. After that I simply laid on the bed I feel so tired from the trip.

I feel someone tapped on my shoulder.

" Honey wake up!, me and your dad  are leaving now " my mom said

" Ohh sorry mom I feel asleep, " I ask raise my hand and slowly got up.

I went out in the room with my mom.

"Take care of your self son" my dad tapped my shoulder. While my mom hugging me.

"Yes dad I well"

" Don't worry, we will take care of our son in-law" Tito said

I just laughed gulf parents accepted me only gulf is the problem.

After mom and dad bid goodbye to us I dicided to go back in my  room when tita said

" Mew eat first before you go back to sleep."

When I finished eating I said good night to them.

"Goodnight tita and Tito"

"Good night son" they said unison

I am feel so welcomed here, it feels like I am at our home. But what well happen tomorrow when gulf find out that I am living here.


Gulf's pov

I enjoyed so much at the mall with mild,boat,win, run and first. We're friends since grade seven.

Mild and boat mawin and run are boyfriends first is single. And me.

Ohh I have a girlfriend and  my parents didn't know it.  Shes our classmate Her name is Sam.  she is kind and  beautiful  any man would fall for him just like I did, it's been five months now since we're together.

It's already night when I came home, I was surprised when there's another car in the garage and I know that car is not belong to my parents and he didn't say to me that they are buying a new one.

I saw my parents in the living room watching a movie.

" Sweety your here," Mama said. Have you eaten ohh wait I well prepare, so you can eat."

" No need ma, I have already eaten."

I went closer to them and sit beside her.

"You really enjoyed at the mall huh!. Any way mew is here and his staying here with us. " Papa said.

" And his room is in front of yours" mama added.

So mew own thats car I saw in the garage.

"Good night mama and papa"

"Good night son" mama said. Papa just nodded.

Before I entered my room I glance at his room. I well give you the hell.

I wake up early I don't want to be late in first day of school. After  shower I wear our students uniform lefty room at went to dining area mama and papa and the person I don't want to see is there eating already.

" Good morning pa and ma" I greeted them

" Good morning to you to sweety." Mama said. How

I just glance at mew

" I'll go ahead now, don't want to be late." I said.

" Okay sweety take care love you" mama said.

"What happened to you I know that face?" Mild said we are now here in our classroom.

" It's nothing, there is dog that live in the house." I sad.

I hope I well not see him in this school

To be continued 😊

Sorry for wrong spelling and grammars I am not fluint at English language.😁


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