chapter 39

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Final chapter

Gulf's pov

I'll never thought that the man I hate before would be the man I spend the rest of my life with.

When my hate and love collide to mew I tried to tell him how I feel I even give my self to him. but on  that day I knew  that he already belong to someone else. And I choose to run away, thinking that running away could help me to forget mew to forget my love for him. But I am wrong because two  years had past since that day  mew still in my heart I still love him. And the time has come I've decided to back in Thailand and I knew that mew and his boyfriend already break up.

I am very happy and think that maybe this time is for me and mew this is the right time for us but the distiny  played us  because my music teacher is mews girlfriend.  again  he is already belong to someone else. and that someone else become my friend very closed friend until I found out that P'Shy is only mew's bestfriend I feel hurt and betrayed they all fooled me. but because I really love mew and mew didn't know about his best friends doing. so I choose to  forgive my friends and P'Shy for fooling me around well because of what they did mew and I become together and finally we become boyfriends.

the man I love, finally mine but ofcourse not all ralationship always happy there are trials and there are some people who try to steal and ruin your happiness and relationship.but it's up to you if you give up or fight.  Then  we met tar he's Inlove to my boyfriend long time ago he even do things that might mew and I break up but my love for mew is genuine  and strong I choose to fight him and never break up with him.  and thats why here we are now become husband.

" Hey baby what are you thinking?"

Mew hug me from the back

" I am just remembering babe those time I hated you and love you at the same time"

" I still cant believe baby you are finally mine now, no one can break  us apart" mew said

" Yes, but I am sad because there are someone who risk  life just to have what we are today"

"Don't think about that baby stop feeling guilty everything is okay now. let's face our future together with our kids  I love you" mew said kissed my forehead

" Yes babe we face our future hand in hand together for ever I love you too my husband"


Mew's pov

I am so happy now that finally gulf is my husband, yes we are married now and we have also a twins Alexander and natasha we have them trough sorogation and ofcourse you know already who's the soroagate mother my one and only bestfriend.

I saw gulf on  balcony of our house, we have own house now this house is a wedding gift from our both parents.  Our twins is with our friends they go to the mall. So I come closer to gulf and hug him from behind.

" What are you thinking baby?"

" I just remembering those days when I hate you" he said

" But your so much in love with me now, and I am your husband" I said sniffing his neck.

" Yes but I am sad because there is someone risking  life  so we can have what we have now"

" Na don't think to much baby everything is okay now"

" I know but I miss her  I want to visit her please babe lets visit her." Gulf pleads

" Okay baby I miss her too tomorrow we will come to her with our twins."  I said  gulf face brigthen

" I love you babe"

" I love you more baby"


As I've said  to gulf we visit my bestfriend with our kids. And some of our friends they are all exited when we arrive to her house. gulf immediately getting out of the  car fallowed by twins.

"Phi we're here!! where are you?" Gulf already shouting.

" Hey baby boy, why are you shouting ohh hello there my babies" shy said and hug the twins.

" Alex and nat  hug her too we miss you mama"

" Ohh I miss you too, cuties"

After the twins let go shy gulf hug her.

" I miss you phi so much"

" Ohh common G we see each other yesterday" shy laugh

" Phi why don't you stay with us  our house is so big, there's a space for you there" my husband said  while still hugging her I just let him.

" I'd love that but I don't want to hear moans and groans in the middle of the night" shy teased

" Mine our room is sound proof you can't hear anything.  " I said

" Well hello there Mr suppasit" she said and he let go gulf and come to our friends she hug them one by one.

" Wheres my hug?" I ask and  slowly come closer to hug her but she hold the twins.

" Let's go inside babies I cooked your favorite lasagna"

" Yeh thankyou mama your the best and papa too" the twins said.

"What about dada?"

They all get inside the house not answering my question. I just followed them

When I get inside the twins already eating with our friends
While gulf and shy sittinng on the sofa. I set beside my husband.

" Thank you so much phi I owe my life and twin life's too to you." gulf again and  his undying thankyou to my bestfriend

" Sweety its been six  years since that happened and everyday you are saying thank you to me. I am not complaining but let's forget about it  I just did the right thing to do and if that happened again I will not hesatet to do that again." shy said

" But still phi  I am thankful to you, you have the biggest part what we have  right now, your sacrifices effort and all" gulf said.

" No, what you have right now it's because you love each other.  Alexander and natasha is the fruit of your love and nothing else please put that in your mind G " shy said

" Baby,  shy is right" I said

" Ohh wheres the mine though?" Shy said

" Don't expect! you called me Mr suppasit earlier" I said

" You are really bestfriend you both  childish" gulf said he stand and join our kids and friends to the dining area.

We just followed him and eat as  we'll  we stay at P'Shy house until  dinner and after that we bid goodbye to her.  She is living alone  and I hope she consider gulf offer to live with us  someday. I am just happy and thankful that she become my bestfriend.

Alexander and natasha already sleeping when we got home. so we just carried them to thier own room when the twins turn  three years old. they started sleep alone.

After sending the twins on Thier room gulf and I also entered our room gulf  showerd first and after him I showered too.

" Babe, thankyou for everything for loving me for waiting for me I love you so much you and our  twins." Gulf said

We are now cuddling in our bed

"No baby, I am the one who thankful to you, thankyou for loving me and thank you for giving me  this family that I've been dreaming off since I meet you  I love you very much you and the twins is my everything" I said and peck of my husband lips .

Gulf deepen the kiss.   a peck  turn out into the heated one and we make love.

when gulf  hate and love  collide towards me he give me his  everything and I couldn't ask for more. I love him I love my family so much.


A/n thank you for reads and votes for love and hate collide I appreciate it thankyou so much! Take care and may god bless you all 🥰

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