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Gulf's pov

It's been  nine years since mew and I get married and ten years to be exact since we are together. I think I don't hate him that much because I let my self to be love by him and to love him.

My friends also they all got married ofcourse boat and mild get married two years after us fallowed by mawin and run years after. then JA and First just  got married three months ago.

My friends planning to have a child through sorogacy and I hope it would be successful so they can have Thier own child. our twins is turn eighth years old last month.

" Hey baby " mew got home early from the office he hug and kissed  my lips.

Then he come to shy and kissed his cheek quickly, finally P'Shy is staying with us for two years now mew and I keep approaching her to stay with us until she finally agreed.

" Suppasit eww" phi said and slap my husband's shoulder

" Mine your so cruel to me" mew complain " when gulf kissed and hug you. you never complained you are accepting his sweet gesture happily. but when I am the the who doing it, it seems like your disgusted" mew pouted his lips and I'll find him cute

" What ever suppasit "

I know phi just teasing my husband

" Let me remind you I am your best friend and not my husband."  mew said

" We are bestfriend!  since when?" Phi mocking him." Baby boy what do you want for dinner? She ask me.

" I want buttered shrimp" mew said

" I am not asking you, I am asking your husband" shy said

" Pork with basil phi and fried chicken for Alex and nat" I said

" Noted sweety " shy said " I will prepare  now including your buttered shrimp"

shy kissed the forehead of my husband,  and my husband  smile widely I just shake my head looking at my husband and his bestfriend  I'll never get jealous on Thier sweetness. I admit i felt  jealous that was the time  I know they are in a relationship  but after I knew that they are just friends I'll  never get jealous again I can hug and kiss P'Shy though. 

" I know you love me" mew said and hug P'Shy. 

P'Shy let go of that hug and walk through our kitchen.

" I will take a Bath now baby wanna join me?" Mew ask me whining.

" No, I will help P'Shy to prepare our dinner"  I come closer to him and kissed his lips then I joined phi on our kitchen.


We are done cooking for our dinner we just waiting the twins to come home  from school.

" Phi why don't you get married?"

I ask her I am happy she's here with us but she has his own life too.

"I want to but I have no boyfriend, since your husband never allowed me to have a date when I was his secretary and I'm old now. it's to late for that and besides I know you would taking care of me when I got old or I am wrong with my thoughts?."

phi  said. We are now sitting on the sofa watching Netflix ofcourse my husband laying on my lap  while his feet on P'Shy lap my husband is so lucky to have me and his bestfriend.

" Ofcourse mine we will take  care of  you, but we want to you to have your own family with a  husband, and child aside from Alex and nat ofcourse, and don't you dare  to say I forbid you to date. I remember you have a suitor back then I don't remember his name but you reject him cause you prefer to be my secretary than to someones girlfriend" my husband exclaimed.

Phi shy just smile.

" Are you really sure you never fell Inlove with me?" Mew suddenly ask

" Hahaha your funny suppasit, actually I also wonder about that you are very good looking, rich, kind and sweet. you are a perfect boyfriend you are very sweet to me but I'll never felt something for you like love" shy said

" Really, even have a crush on me?"

" Nope I think I am abnormal person ahhaha" shy said

We both laughing.

" But seriously you two  Alexander and natasha are  my family  and happiness. now just continue loving each other and don't ever let go each other hands I am good" phi shy said

" I promised mine I will never let go of my husband  hands " mew said.

" I promised too phi" I said and mew pulled my head down  and claimed my lips in front of his bestfriend.

I break the kissed when I heard Natasha voice.

" Hi daddy, papa and mama miss you all." Natasha said puting her bag on the sofa and kissed our cheeks Alex do what her twin sister did.

" Miss you too babies" mew said

" Change your clothes so we can eat our dinner mama  shy cooked your favorite fried chicken" I said

The twins get inside Thier room and come back to the dining area we eat our dinner together happily.

" I love you parents, good night" Natasha said

" I love you daddy dada and mama" Alex seconded.

The twins sleep thier room so as phi shy and me and my husband entered our room too.


" Uhhh harder babe, just like that uhh"

we are doing our sexy time for an hour now I'm on four  mew is mercylessly  pounding my ass

" It's been ten years baby but your still tight and warm it feels good inside you uhhh baby...baby uhh... I'm gonna cum again." Mew utterd.

" And your dick is bigger each day  it's huge babe it's feels good inside me uhhh.. deeper... babe.. fuck me deeper.." I demand.

Mew pound my ass faster and deeper until

" Ahhhhhhhh.... baby I love you so much"

" I love you too babe uhhhhh.."

Mew loads his cum inside me I shoot my cum between our bodies"

Because I'm tired my husband cleaned me  he change the bedsheet then take a shower after and laid beside me.

" I love you baby good night" mew kissed my forehead.

I nuszled my head to the crook of his neck and hug him tight.

"I love you  you too babe so much"

It's been ten years but my husband still showering his love and care to me well I also shower  my love to him every night 🤭 no matter what happened I will protect and love our family. I am so very blessed to have them I couldn't ask for more.

A/n thankyou for reading love and hate collide. the proposal and wedding scene including honeymoon I put it on a  special chapter. You will also know what happened why gulf owe his life to shy. Once again thank you for reading.

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