chapter 36

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Mews pov

I am so hopeless right now what if gulf breaking up with me no no  I can't handle it I will die.  I tried to dial his number,  but out off reach. I call my best friend hoping that gulf is with her he has no one to talk to because our friends still on Thier vacation. I'm thankful they are not here cause I'm sure by now they punch me hard especially mild I know he love gulf so much. My bestfriend answer her phone on my first dial.

" Phi is gulf is with you?"

" Yes he is with me don't worry he has no plan of breaking up with you"

I feel relax and breath.

I ask my bestfriend I wanna talk to gulf but he forbid me and hang up the phone good thing I say how much I love gulf before she did. Shy is right I need to give  gulf time I know he will listen if I explained everything to him. right now I need to fix my self so I am ready when gulf want to talk to me.


I am here in my office with tar And the head of financial in J&T
we are discussing something when suddenly my boyfriend and my bestfriend enter my office.

" Ops!  sorry the door is not  lock so we entered  hi babe " gulf said and pick my lips. I was stunned and surprised his actions.

" Baby yo..your!? And my bestfriend is wi..with you " I said shuttering

" Sir's and ma'am do you mind if we are staying here, you can continue talking though" gulf said and sat on my lap.

I can see tar face he is mad. How dare him he be  thankful I don't fire him.

" Not at all sir.!" My employee said smiling to gulf.

" Guise I guess we continue this some other time" I said to them

" You right sir we continue this some other time I guess your boyfriend miss you already" the woman said " he's cute and handsome your so Lucky"

" Yes I am so very lucky "

My employee stand up including tar but my bestfriend stop him

" Not so fast Mr secretary my baby boy here is want to talk to you." Shy said.

I felt nervous I don't have idea what my boyfriend and bestfriend planing to do.

" Do you love my boyfriend do you?" Gulf ask tar without moving  in my lap.

" Yes!  and I'll do everything and anything to have him" tar admit.

He has the guts to said that infront of my boyfriend.

" And do you think I will let you have him?" Gulf said and Stand up.

" I don't need your permission" tar insist.

" Will let me tell you this. even if I saw you having sex with my boyfriend I will never break up with him and I will never ever give him  to you. he is only mine unless you are  planning to kill me" gulf smirked.

" And that's the thing I won't let to  happened " my bestfriend utterd " If you love your work just  stick on your work and not that stick between your legs"

" I really love mew and I don't love just his body I love everything about him" tar still talking.

" Do you not understand mew is already belong to someone else. he is belong to me and I won't let you steal him from me, I will forget that you kissed him but if you do that again, I can't promise that I will not hurt you" gulf exclaimed

" Tar,  I don't love you I only love gulf. so please stop bothering me I will not fired you because you are good in your work." I said aiming  gulf knows that I only love him

Gulf smiled and come closer to me. And sneak her arms around my nick.

" I love you more babe see you in your condo latter, me and P'Shy has things to do." Gulf said and kissed me hard.

" Please stop bothering my bestfriend nong tar before I put you to jail I'm warning you I can do that ." My bestfriend smirked. " See you when I see you mine " she come closer to me and hug me.

" Let's  go phi" gulf called her.

Gulf and P'Shy went out on my office and tar went out too. I know my bestfriend is serious when she utter the words she can put tar in jail. I know what she capable off.


I parked my car in parking lot and hurriedly went to my condo after what happened in the office. I need to explain gulf everything.

" Baby, I'm here!" I said puting my thing on the chair .

" Im here in your room babe no need to shout." Gulf answer.

" Shower first" gulf said and hand me a towel.

I followed him And get inside  the  bathroom and take a bath.

When I get out  gulf is no longer in our room I wear shirt and boxer only went out our room. To look for him. there I saw gulf sitting on the sofa watching movie.

" Baby"

Gulf pause the tv and look at me." Hey babe come here sit beside me"

" I'm sorry baby"

" No need to sorry and let's forget  about it."

" But I want to talk to I don't want  that misunderstanding happened to us just like before we need to discuss this we are now in a ralationship Cummunacation is very important" I insist.

" I'm sorry too if I walk out and never listen to  your explanation I just need to breath from that scene from now on no matter what we saw we need to talk about it before making a decision and your right communication is important" gulf said and lean his head on my shoulder

I wrap my hand on his shoulder " yes we will do that, still I'm sorry I should listen  to you and P'Shy when you tell me that there is something wrong with tar. I should  never let off gaurd in him. "

" It's alright it doesn't matter its happened already lets forget about it, are you hungry? Let's eat "

" I am hungry but not food  I am hungry with you haha" I said

" Shut up let's eat then sleep after I'm tired" he said

" But I missed you baby " I said and cuped his faced and pick his lips gulf kissed me back i try to push my tounge and he open his mouth our tounge battled for dominance and I won I taste every corner of gulf's mouth.

" Hmmm" he moaned between our kisses.

I let go of his mouth and my lips went to his nick I sniffed, lick and suck his sweet spot.

" Babe not today okay! I love you"

I stop what I'm doing and obeyed gulfs want.

To be continued

A/n ops! Sorry mew😁 for having a boner just used your hand for the main time.😁



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