chapter 25

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Mews pov

As my bestfriend said here we are at her resto bar. I am already sitting in the stage preparing for my performance later, I don't want to sing infront of many people but since my bestfriend requested and this is for gulf. It's now or never.

I saw gulf and our friends entering the bar shy meet them and lead the way near in the stage I can tell that gulf is handsome now than before or should I say prettier than before. My eyes meet with his

They ordered drinks ofcourse is all in my bestfriend then shy come into the mini stage and speak.

" Good evening girls, boys and gays, tonight is the the very special night because the man that I love the most will be singing for us tonight, " she said " my mewmew the floor is yours, good luck" she wink

First stanza:

🎶It all come so easy all the lovin you gave me the feelings we shared and still can remember how you touch was tender it told me you cared🎶

My heart is beating past when I deliver the lyrics while looking at gulf

Refrain one:

🎶 We had a once in a lifetime but I just couldn't see until it was gone a second once in a lifetime maybe too much to ask but I swear from now on 🎶

Remembering those one night sex with gulf while I am singing.

🎶 If ever your in my arms again this time I love you much better if ever your in my arms again this time I'll hold you forever this time will never ends🎶

I sing the chorus with all my heart. This song is perfect for Me and gulf .

When I'm done singing I went to thier table and  greeted them  set beside my bestfriend she's between me and gulf.

" Well I didn't know your good at singing I think I fall for you back again " first utter.

" Mee too" mild added.

I just smile at they're bahavior.

" He only just sing, and you fall Inlove already! what more if you saw him dancing sexily!" Shy said. And giggled

" Don't believe her, I'll never dance " I exclaimed

" Don't You dare to deny it suppasit I saw you in your condo when I wake up early in the morning even though my body hurt that time it disappears because of your dancing moves"

" Stop it mine, they might believe what you say" I stop her.

" I am telling the truth here! " She opposed " any way guise can you come with me I need to check something! And you mew and gulf stay here will be right back"

Shy dragged our friends and left us. I  am trembling and nervous at the same time what should I tell him. I breath heavily and keep my self calm and utter the word.

" How are you nong?" I asked gulf

" I'm okay phi how about you?" He asked me back without glancing at me.

" I'm okay! Any way nong I "

" I need to go to the rest room phi" gulf cut me off. And stand quick at heading to the bathroom.

And I followed him.


Gulf's pov

Me and my friends going now to p' shy resto bar using my car. She meet us in the entrance and dragged us in front where we can see mew closely and clearly.

My heart beating fast after two years I saw him again I saw the man I love I must say he is more handsome and hot now than before, he saw us then he smile our eyes meet but I looked away when I noticed that his girlfriend is already on the stage and introduce him.

I feel sad when P'Shy Address mew as the man she love the most. How can I tell him I love him when there is already someone who love him the most.

Then p' mew started straming his guitar singing the first stanza he sang very well his voice so beautiful makes me want to kiss him I never thought he has a nice  voice

🎶Now I'm seeing clearly how I still near you need me, I still love you so there something between us that won't never leave us there's no letting go🎶

Mew sang the second stanza looking at me and I'm looking at him too.

Refrain 2..:

🎶We had a once in a lifetime but I just didn't know it till life fell apart  a second once in a lifetime isn't to much to ask cause I  swear from the heart

When mew done singing he went  to us and sit  beside his girlfriend! As if  he sit beside me. And suddenly first and mild said that they fall Inlove with mew because of his talent. Then P'Shy said " when you see him dancing sexily I bet you fall hard for him"  and P'mew denied it " don't deny it even if my body's hurting it all gone when I saw you dancing sexily" P'Shy said and wink to mew.  I bet they did together that's why her body's paining.

" Anyways I have something to do boys come with me except the two of you  she look at me And to mew" then she drag our friends.

I felt nervous at the same time panicking what would I say? Do I have to say the words or should I'll be silent until our friends comeback. Then suddenly he talk and approach me I reminded my self to be calm and answer his question until I can't bear and excused my self "

" I need to go the restroom" I said and leave him as fast as I can.

I am currently washing my hand when I feel someone pulled me to the empty room and pinned me to the wall. And kissed me hungrily, my eyes close right away when I familiarize the taste of the lips against me i sneak my hand into his nape and deepen the kiss.

We are kissing hungrily like there is no tomorrow but suddenly I remember P'Shy words" the man I love the most" then I Pushed him.

" this is not right, you have a girlfriend I don't want to hurt P'Shy "

I said panting and leave in the rest room. and I saw our friends and P'Shy in our table laughing they look so happy.

To be continued.

  🌞 ShekanawutSuppasit 🌻

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