chapter 2

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Mews pov

I wake up early to jog  when I came out at my room I saw gulf room still open I walked there and closed his door but my feet want to enter inside not just my feet but my heart also wants to see him.

I entered slowly so he won't wake up, as I wacth his face my heart beats faster. He hate me but I love him.

I want to touch and kiss him I need to get out in here before I can do anything which would can added his anger to me.

I jog for one hour, I went inside the house tita and Tito already in the dining area drinking  coffee.

"Good morning Tito and tita" I greeted them I am not ready to call them mama and papa even though I already got permission to them.

" Good morning too honey, take a bath then eat your breakfast after." Tita said.

I went straight to my room take a bath.  After showered I  wear a proper atire can passed as a college student.

" I well come with you to the university son" Tito said

"No need Tito, I can manage and I don't want to be bother at  you"

" Nah you are not bother to me, you look a son to me" he said.

" It's really okay Tito I can manage" I insist.

" Okay If that what you want but if you need anything just tell us okay" he said

" Yes Tito I will"

" Ohh sweety your awake! Come here eat your breakfast" tita said

I saw gulf come closer to tita and kissed her cheek.

Gulf grab his food then bid good bye to his parents after  without loking at me or say hi even if his parents already told him to greet me.

"I'm sorry for our son bahavior mew, he just know last night that your living here" Tito said.

" No problem Tito, it's okay"

I bid goodbye to them as I went to the university for my first class

I already here inside the uni but the thing is I don't know yet where is the engeniring building as I remembered gulf is studying here  for junior high.

Maybe I can ask him to help me I hope he does but I dont even know we're is his room.

I keep thinking when I saw two girls coming into where I am standing maybe they can help me

" Excuse me miss do know where's the Juniors high room?" I ask.

" Yes we're going in there now you can come with us" the long hair girl said,  I don't know but I feel something towards her.

I just

fallowed them until the long hair girl held the hand of the  man and kiss his cheek.

When I got close to them I saw gulf and his friends I guess.! Ohh the long hair girl is he's girlfriend thats the reason why I feel something earlier.

" Gulf " I said

" What are you doing here?" he said

" I am studying here , ahm can  you tell me where is the engeniring building or maybe you can come with me" I said

" Why you are asking me, do I look like the owner of the building" he said sarcastically.

" Babe, come down don't be angry na he just asking" the Longhair girl said.

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