chapter 4

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Authors pov

The traipipa couple is already inside their room, and they are taking about mew and gulf.

" Love, it looks like the two aren't get Along. It's been five months since mew living with us, hoping that maybe they can close to each other. I haven't see them talk properly." Mrs traipipa said to his  husband.

" Love just give them time we will get there.! " Mr traipipa said to her wife

" What if we are going on a vacation with mew's parents" Mrs traipipa suggested.

" What we we're leaving the two of them?,  Do you want to see our  house distroyed.!" Mr traipipa said.

" I know gulf hate mew but he can't do that" Mrs traipipa said.

" Okay if thats what you think then I well call my secretary tomorrow. canceling my meetings  for this whole week." Her husband said

" I thought you don't want to see our house burn, then why are you exited for this trip"

" Hmm it's been a while since our last vacation, and it's favor of me because I am alone with you " Mr traipipa smirking while his hands carrising his wife arm.

" Mews parents, is with us and stop thinking dirty things we are old enough for that kind of things , good night love" she said.



Mews pov.

I intended to wake up early so I can Cook our breakfast,  doing this I can help them for letting me stay here.

I saw mama and papa in living room with Laugage,

A/n ( mew decided to call gulf parents mama and papa)

" Good morning ma and pa " I greeted them.

"Good morning too son, good thing your here! We are going to vacation with your parents." Mama said

" We will go to honeymoon" papa added.

" You pervert old man, just put the language in the car and don't put dirty on mews mind" mama said "son can you tell gulf about this when he wakes up?"

" Yes ma " I said take care and enjoy your honeymoon,"

When mama and papa left i went   to the kitchen and cook our breakfast!

They are very simple, they can hire ten helpers to do the chores but they only have two stay out  helpers.  Gulf's mama is a hands-on wife just like my mon I miss them.

I stop in my tracks when. Suddenly someone hugged me from behind.

" What are you cooking ma? it's smell so good and I think it's delicious too. Gulf said.

" Honey, it's delicious but I taste better" I smirk

Gulf pussed me When he finds out that I am the one he was hugging earlier, my face almost fell on the pan.

" Damn it why are you scattering  here in the kitchen? I miss took your may mama " gulf said

" Really huh!? My body and Mama's body is   shape deferent,  how cant you noticed that

" I am still sleepy, how can I noticed that" gulf said. And turned his back to me.

" Wait  a minute gulf? " I stop him " is that all yours?"

" What? !" Gulf  said frowning

" That thing that stabbed me in my back earlier while you hugging me." I smirk.

Gulf quickly covered his  manhood  using his both hands. He was almost running  up in the stairs . I just chuckled.

After I cooked I just put it in the small bag. And put the Notes on it.

Eat well I cooked it with my love 😘

It's noon already so I went  to uni food court to eat my lunch suddenly  I heard someone called me.
" Me here! Join us" mild said waving his hands.

" Wait I just buy my food."

"Where is gulf, why his not with you?" I ask.

" He said he will eat the the room, " mawin answered.

" P, mew  do you  like gulf?" Mild suddenly ask

" Why you ask?

" Because we noticed he don't like you, and he didn't want us to to mention your name, we thought maybe you courted him" mild said.

"Yes I like him, no I love him for a long time." I said seriously.

" Ohh , so what's your plan? Run ask

" Nothing! He has all ready have a girlfriend right!? I think it's time for me to find someone else"

" If I we're you even though he has a girlfriend just tell him what you feel especially now that you are living in the same house, I doubt it you can control your self   not doing things around him" boat said

Boat was right.

" Hmmm I will thank about it, anyway do you have plans on Saturday, let's hangout my treat" I invited them.

" Yes of course , now give me your number" mild said grinning.

" Hey, are we not telling this to gulf? " First ask

" Ofcourse not, I'm pretty sure he will not allow us to hangout with mew" mawin said

" It's settled see you on Saturday!?" I said and leave them   heading back  to my room.

I was forget to tell gulf that his parents is on a vacation with my parents too. It's out of my mind when I feel his manhood poking my back earlier damn!!

See you next chapter 😊


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