chapter 11

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Gulf's pov

I was not surprised when I open my eyes the room is set up defferently of course  I know what I did last night.

It was noon when my friends invited me to go in the bar to hangout  have some drinks!

Mild called me when he saw me  entering inside the bar I saw Ja hugging first,  boat leaning his head on mild shoulder  while mawin setting on run's lap. if mew is here we are  probably kissing right now but his not!!

I am little bit tipsy, I asked Ja mews condo address and he gave me I still can manage to drive so I bid goodbye to them.

" Guise,  I'll go ahead now enjoy each others company!"

" Hey, are you sure you can drive? We can take you to your  house if you want!" Mild said

No doubt mild  loves me so much! He is always concerned about me. I love him too

" No need Im   fine!!  I can manage" I said and left.

Driving my car in the high way, not knowing where to go.   ended   into mews condo. I enter in the elevator pressed the second floor    I search for mews room number when I found it I slowly Lean on the door to support my weight and I noticed  the door knob is moving and finally opened the next thing I know is I bump into mews body.

I feel his hands holding me  he slowly pulled me inside then he laid me gently in the sofa. I can smell his breath and I lose control. then I held his nape and pressed my lips against his.   I feel his soften lips  Then    I passed out.

I went to the bathroom freshen up went outside. I saw mew in the living room.

" Gulf your awake! " He said

" Yes I  am " I said shyly I remember what I did last night.

" Anyway your parents already know that you are here in my condo" he said " you are so drunk last night"

" I'm sorry for bothering you did I do something wrong"? I asked pretending not remember everything!

"  Aside that you bump into me there's nothing else" he answered.

" Sometimes drinking alcohol give you courage to do the things you wanted to do" I said whisperd.

" Gulf did you said something?"

" A. am I said thank you I'll go ahead now phi "

" I'll come with you,  San is waiting for  me in the parking lot."

We both entered the elevator went to the first floor where our cars parked. And I saw San beside mews car. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

Congrats gulf your realization is too late.


At Cafeteria eating lunch with my friends. Being with lovebirds I feel awkward they feed each other infront  of my salad.  I can see San feeding Mew from where I seated.  I lost my apitite to eat.

" Hey the chiken is already dead but you murdered them again multiple times" mild said

" Don't mind me just focus on your boyfriend"

" G, if you have a problem you can tell us you already know that we're always here for you " first said.

" Yes I know don't wory about me I'm okay I'm fine" I said and continuing eating.

" A short of time mew is become our my friend already I am happy that I can see him smiling like that" boat suddenly said.

" Yes  you right bud! Good thing he meet San" said run and ask Ja  " wait you are close to mew. is mew and san dating?"

" I don't know, all I know is San confess his feelings to mew" Ja answerd.

" Can you please stop talking to them when I am here I don't want to hear it" I said angrily.

" Hmm are you jealous G?" First asked.

" Yes  I am jealous,  so jealous that I want to buried San under 16ft."  I said sarcastically." Now happy!?"

My friends looked at me shocked! Even me got shocked what I said. good thing my voice is not loud and I'm sure mew couldn't heard what I say.

" Can't you see I um hurting!" I broke the silence. They still not saying anything.!

" So what's your plan? Are you going to tell him that your jealous?" Mawin ask

" No I won't! He has San now! "

" Maybe there still a chance maybe San is his not yet my boyfriend, we will help you " mild said " right guise!"

" Yes of course! " First said

" No I'm okay! I can see mew is happy beside San. so let him be."

" Even if it is hurting you "  boat said 

I just nodded!!

See you next chapter

    🌞 ShekanawutSuppasit 🌻


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