special chapter 1 part 2

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Authors pov


" Doctor my Bestfriend hits by a gun please save her doc, please." Mew pleaded.

" Don't worry sir, we do everything to save her" the doctor said and they proced to the operating room.

Mew walking back and forth and gulf felt dizzy looking at him.

" Just relax babe she will be fine. " gulf said

" How about you baby are you okay? Do you feel hurt " mew suddenly ask gulf. Cheeking his boyfriend body.

" I'm okay babe, aside that I felt guilty. that bullet is for me but P'Shy took it she save my life babe" gulf said. Crying

Mew hug him "shhhh it's okay baby, everything will be alright"

Hour has past the doctor came out from the operating room.

" The operating is successful but the patient still unconscious but she will wake up soon good thing the bullet is far from her heart."

" Thank you doc thankyou so much" mew said

They transferred shy on the private room so they can take care of her properly.

" How is she?" Mommy angel ask.

" She's still sleeping mom, the doctor successfully get the bullet from her body" gulf answer.

" Oh thank God!" Mama Anne said

" What about tar mom, where is he? I will never forgive him because of him I almost lost my bestfriend I will make sure he will rot in jail for the rest of his life." Mew exclaimed.

" His now on the jail son, don't worry about him I will make sure he will pay." daddy Richard said.

" You can go home now son's we are here already we will call you if shy wakes up" mama Anne said

" No ma, you can go home now I will stay here until phi wakes up " mew said

" I will come with you ma, will get some things we can use here, we will take care of phi until she got pulley recoverd" gulf added.

" Okay if that's what you want" mommy angel said

Mewgulf parents bid good bye to mew

" We will go ahead now please wake up na " mama Anne said holding shy's hand " thankyou for saving my son life"

" We will visit you again" mommy angel said she kissed shy forehead.

" I will be right back babe" gulf said peck mews lips.


Shy slowly open her eyes

" Why this place is all white? Don't tell me I am already in heaven" shy thought

" Phi, thank God your already awake" gulf said and hug her crying

" Aww I thought I'm in heaven already, what happened the last time I remember tar inside my resto bar and pointed a gun on you. are you okay gulf did you hurt." Shy ask worriedly

" Your here In the hospital phi and I am okay thanks to you.
you covered me and you are the one he hit that gun" gulf Said.

Mew come out in the restroom already clean and fresh he quickly come to shy and hug her when she noticed that his bestfriend already wake up

" I thought I lost you, mine why did you do that? I am so worried" mew said and kissed his bestfriend forehead

Shy just smile and said " I just fulfilling my promise to you and to your fiance. I will protect you and gulf from tar, and If that happened again I will do it again"

" We are all so worried about you phi I can't forgive my self if something happened to you " gulf said

" Na don't be baby boy" shy said " I'm sorry for worrying you all. hey mine cheer up don't be sad I am still infront of you alive and kicking smile na na! "

Mew just smile and hug his bestfriend again.

" Thank you for saving my life phi I owe you my life" gulf said.

" Don't mention it sweety I love you and I'd never regret what i did" shy said carising gulf's hands

" What about me, do you love me still?" Mew utterd

" Of course I love you " shy said " I will back to sleep now and you two, you can also sleep and let me remind you. this is hospital so come down your dicks" shy teased them. Before she closed her eyes.

Mew called his parents to tell that shy already wake up while gulf called Thier friends

"P'shy almost died but still she's so mean." gulf whine mew and him laying on the sofabed inside shy room.

Mew just smile and hug his fiance " good night baby, love you" mew kissed gulf forehead

" Good night babe love you too" gulf kissed mew's lips.

After three days shy already out in the hospital. mew don't want too but shy insisted. He can never wins to shy .

Months has passed from that insident and now mew and gulf preparing for Thier wedding next month.

" Baby I just wanna say something hope you understand me" mew said lying on there bed. they had just done two rounds of making love

" Hmmm what's that?"

" I want to have a kids via sorogation" mew said holding his breath. Waiting gulf's answer.

" Okay, no problem babe but I will be the one who choose the sorogate mother and I want P'Shy." Gulf said.

" Okay then after our wedding, we start to ready the things that we might need and use for sorogation." Mew said. Happily.

Gulf just nodded and slowly closing his eyes. Months After thier wedding they starting To proced Thier plan to have a kids.

The sorogation was successful and shy bear the twins in her tommy. 9months after shy giving birth the twins namely Alexander and Natasha. But after natasha come out she passed out.

Mew again so worried he remember those time when his bestfriend hit bye gun. And almost died.

Shy wake up a when, She slowly open her eyes and saw mew and gulf holding her both hands.

" Mine please wake up na " mew said.

" Phi you need to wake up so we can both taking care of our child they need you phi we need you " gulf said crying.

" Aww my cry babies" shy said

Then mew and gulf hug her when the heard shy voice.

" Easy guys, I may pass the bullet and for giving birth but I might died with your hug" shy said.

" Owh sorry phi we are just happy that you already wake up" gulf said

" How long have been I sleep" shy ask.

" It's been five hours mine since you passed out after you giving birth one of the twins" mew said.

Then the nurse enter the room with the twins.

" Sirs, ma'am here's your child " the nurse said and put the babies beside shy.

" Thank you " they both in unison.

" Look at them babe the twins are very cute" gulf exclaimed.

" You right baby," mew kissed gulf forehead" and thank you mine "mew said to shy

" Your always welcome" shy smile.

" You risk your life again but this time for our kids saying thankyou is not enough how much I am thankful to you phi " gulf said

" I love you both and I'll do everything you ask, as long as I can. just promise me that you will love each other for the rest of your lives " shy said holding mew and gulf's hand

" We promised phi and we love you too "

mew and gulf said in unison then they kissed shy forehead.


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