chapter 16

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A/n       Two years after....

Mews pov

This is my last year here in this university. I will be graduating next month. It's been two years since gulf left in Thailand the last  time I saw him is when i followed him in the Philippines.

I am sure he is happy now with his girlfriend. Those one night sex with him nothing change his preparence in life his heart still wants for a girl.

One week  after me and San break up i went in gulfs house to talk to him.



" Mew! Your here" gulf's mother greeted me cheerfully.

" Yes ma! Am is gulf is here I want to talk to him"

"Ohh his not here honey! He went to the Philippines yesterday he asked us if he can stay and studied there! " Mama said

I feel disappointed if I talked to him after what happened to us maybe he won't go but what should I do I am already in a ralationship with San I feel guilty I know I am one of the reason why he leave.

" Okay ma! I'll go ahead now"

" Stay with us son! Have dinner with us na!  now that gulf is not here, and your parents is not also  here. let us be your parents and you our son okay na!" Mama pleading.

I understand what gulfs mother feels  as far as I know this is the first she  would be apart from gulf.
I stayed in gulf's house for a night. I sleep in the room where I am sleeping before and I am surprised because they put my name on the door (mews room)

In the morning I bid goodbye to them.

" I'll be going now ma and pa! Thankyou for accepting me in this house again."

" Don't mind it son as I said to you! I treated you like a son! " Gulf's father said." Any way this is gulf address in the Philippines.

I am smiling but ofcourse I try to hide it in front of gulf's parents.

" Love,  I thought we've discussed it already,  we will never Longer interfere with them why you giving mew bye address of yours son '" mama said a little bit angry!

" Love, he wants to talk to gulf " Papa answer. " I don't know what happened between you and gulf. but if you have a misunderstanding just resolved it"

I just nodded kissed mama cheek ma  and bid goodbye to them " thankyou ma! And thanks for this Address pa ."

I hurriedly went to my condo pack some things  and book a flight to the Philippines.

" Many times I visit gulf parents and sleep in their house.

         End of flash back..

  "Congrats bro! Engineer mew suppasit joong! " Boat said.

" Thanks bro! Thanks guise for coming!"

" I envy you! You already finished in college, while us we have to wait one year more!" Mild said.

" One year is not long! Nong mild" I said

" Anyways! Did you know that gulf is coming home next month!?" First said " I'll be have now around you phi   I'll never make jealous again"

" Who's jealous with who?" I asked confused.

" Don't mind! First last words  maybe his hungry" mawin said

" Ohh let's eat after graduation ceremony my treat" I invited them " anyway I'll be coming home with my parents later"

"Ohh! Can we go your place right?" Ja said

" Ofcourse  you can, its  only six hours to travel from here to our place! "

" Don't worry we will convince gulf to come with us for sure he knows your address yeah " mild said whining.

I am smiling while looking at them. Since gulf left I have become closer to them, after my break up with San he quit to our band and boat replaced him but he still study here and he graduated last year, also Tum quit this year mawin is his replacement.! Mawin good in drums I am the one with the keyboard.


" Congratulations mew" gulf parents greeted me

" Thanks ma and pa "

" I'm a little bit sad now! Cause your mom told us you  will  going home with them later " mama said she's hugging me " at the same time happy because gulf will be going home next month"

I am not just  close to gulf's Friends I am also closer to his parents. for two years I went home twice a year then I am visiting gulf parents ones a week.

" Don't worry after I trained him he will be back here to manage J&T travels and tours airlines company" daddy said to papa.

" Ohh really!  I am happy to hear that" papa reply.

My parents and gulfs  friends we eated at the restaurant own by gulfs parents after the ceremony we eat a lot I enjoyed my time with them the. After that we bid goodbye! To each other.

As my dad said he trained me by the help of his secretary I learned fast so after three weeks of training my father  let me  manage J&T travels and tours airlines   And ofcourse he give me his Secretary.

I am ready now to manage a company.

See you next chapter 😊


    🌞 ShekanawutSuppasit 🌻

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