chapter 21

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Shy  pov

Mew suppasit is like a brother to me I love him the most in this world  we become friends since elementary I know everything about him including how he love gulf    the destiny played them they have this hate relationship now that gulf is back I want to help mew  I'll do everything I can to help them to be together

Aside for being a secretary I am music teacher and thankfully gulfs department need a music teacher so I applied it and I get hired  well I Know gulf from mew of course it is my chance to being  closed to gulf.

The first day of teaching them has come i already saw gulf in J&T  this Is my second time to meet him he is cute and beautysome ( beautyful and handsome at the same time) no wonder mew falling Inlove deep to him.

I am they're last subject before lunch break so after our class I followed them to cafeteria. I come closer and greeted them I can sense  that they are nervous in front of me

" Chill guise! Don't treat me like a teacher if we are not in the classroom" I said and smile to them.

" Phi' is mew is your boyfriend" mild ask me.

" Yes he is" I said

Ofcourse I want to know gulf's reactions.

" Ohh phi' can you tell us how mew courted you " first said

" Amm it goes li"

" Wait! I left my things in my car for our next class I'll get I'll be back!"

Gulf cut me he stand up and left us.


" Actually I lied, mew is not my boyfriend he is like a brother to me and I already know what happened to him And gulf I just want to teased gulf" I said to them.

" So you are mewgulf shipper then! " mild said

" Yes!! All I want is mew's happiness I know he still love gulf and I want to help him "

" Well in that cased! We are with you ma'am shy" mawin said

" Ohh cut that ma'am please if you don't want me to failed you in my class" I  teased  mawin

" Hmm even if I only knew  you this morning phi' but I think I started loving you na!" Mild said

" And I love you too babyboy!"  I wink at him

" Your so cool phi, but mew not telling us about you and he never introduce you to us " run said

" Actually I meet mew in my highschool days and we become friends until  I become a  secretary of mews dad  but after mews managing J&T Mr joong asked me to be  mews secretary  I am also a music teacher so that's why I am  here in front of you,  and I thank you.  "  I explained

" Wow!" First said! Hope with our tanthem we can help mew and gulf to find they're happiness beside  each other."

" I hope so, any way I'll go ahead now mew is already waiting for  me in the parking lot" I bid goodbye to them.

While I'm taking to them I secretly message mew to pick me up ofcourse that's the part of my plan.

" Bye phi' shy see you tomorrow" the boys wave Thier hands.


On my way on parking lot I saw mew already standing outside his car he wave his hands to me while I'm walking near to him I saw gulfs car maybe he still inside so I kissed mews check And  hug him tight. Mew disconnected his body to me and hold my hand

" What's that for? mine" He asked

Believe me mine your gonna thank me latter for what I did.

" I just miss you mine" I said  and let go of his hand opening the front door of his car and seated there.


Months passed by, I become closer to gulf's Friends sometimes I can feel  that he is still awkward to me maybe because all he know is I am mew's girlfriend.

His friends join me to teased him I want to talk to him alone so I did!.

" G..! Let's hangout on my condo I want to coked mews favorite food  can you help me!?"

I said hoping he will agreed.

" Yes phi let's go!"


"Can I ride on your car? Maybe mew have  meeting today I cant call him to pick me up!" I said smirking

Lord forgive me for lying.

" Sure phi get in" gulf said and open the front door for me

" Ohh! Your a gentle man, thankyou"

He just smiled at me

We talk to much at my condo  I  can see that gulf is comfortable around me.

" G, why you are hating  mew?" I asked.

" Ah,  did mew told you the reason why?" He said

" No that's why I am asking you"

" I have my two reason why I hate him, first is,  he  broke my favorite toy car when we are kids . Secondly  he kissed me without explaining why he did that! "  He said. "

" Ohh I see how about now? Are you still hate him?" I asked

" Honestly I am not!"

" You love him?"

" Phi why a.. are you as.. asking me  like that, " he said shuttering his face is getting red too.

" Just answer my question will you!" I said sound like ordering him

He looked at me in silence.

" Okay don't answer me never mind forget what I said."

I was about  stand up because we are setting on the sofa since we arrive at my condo. When suddenly he  said.

" Are you going to be,  mad at me ?  if I say yes!" gulf said almost whispering and he lowered hod head. " I love him as a friend"

I know he is lying.

" Of course not! I am glad that you love my mewmew"

"   Ohh my! Phi we forget to coked p' mews favorite food" he said

" Oh no! Maybe nextime!!"

" I am going now ma'am I enjoyed talking to you!"

" Ohh please cut that ma'am thing you can call me anything you want! Mee too I enjoyed talking to you." I said and hug him.

I lead  him to the parking lot.

Now I know you still love each other I will do anything so you could end up together.

See you next chapter

  🌞 ShekanawutSuppasit 🌻

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