chapter 38

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Gulf pov

When I woke up mew is no longer beside me. I get up and saw the letter in bedside table. after read it I go to the bathroom and take a shower I heard P'Shy voice calling my name.

" Phi I'm here in the bathroom" I inform her

When I get out  phi shy already inside our room picking some clothes scattered on the floor  who would thought that she is visiting today I bet my boyfriend ask her to check me.

Phi and I eat the food she bought after we eat. we talk somethings. Phi is kind she is also beautiful I still wonder why mew and her not in the thing I believe mew when he said that she love phi as a sister and bestfriend but I still want to know phi shy side.

" Phi why you and mew are just being friends. you are very close to each other your sleeping together don't get me   wrong but even mew is a gay your girl you are sexy I'm sure you can feel the heat of your body?" It's a shame to ask her like this but I am just curious.

Phi she just laughed at me.

" Phi I am just curious"

" Well I can feel the heat of my body Not when mew beside me. ofcourse mews body is tempting but I don't feel anything I love him just a brother and my bestfriend. Even if we sleep sometimes when we drunk but I didn't feel something and for sure you know that mew didn't do a girl he is only into boys although we kissed but just on cheeks and forehead"

Phi shy explained. Will maybe there are people that didn't feel anything especially when that person is just a friend to them.

Phi bid goodbye to me and after she left i prepare our dinner my boyfriend will come home any minutes now.


"Hey baby I'm home"

Mew utter he put his things on the table beside the sofa.

" Don't baby me! , why you need to ask your bestfriend to cheek on me she clean all the mess in our room I feel ashamed" I said to him

" I am sorry baby,  but I just want make sure that your fine , and p'shy is not other To us she is a family"

"  I know I already ask this to you,  but I still  wonder  why. P'Shy is kind she's beautiful and sexy too, I must say that she could be the perfect girlfriend to any guy including you, have you never  felt falling Inlove to her?" I ask him while preparing our dinner he's sitting on the sofa

" Actually I ask her   about that baby,  why she's not the one I love. I agreed  what you  said she could be the perfect girlfriend.  And she just answer me,  that because my heart already chosen you.  will she's right because the moment when I saw  you I tell to my self that your the one I want to spend the rest of  life with"

Because of what mew said I come closer to him and sit on his lap. I snake my hand on his nape And claimed his lips.

" I love you so much babe" I said when our lips parted.

" I love you more baby" mew said and pick on my lips

" Anyway baby tar is already resign  as my secretary today,  so shy is my secretary again starting tomorrow" mew said

" But what about her resto bar? Why don't you hired another new secretary?" I said I am still sitting on his lap.

"Will,  I know she has her trusted person who can manage her resto bar  well.  and I don't hired another secretary, we didn't know  if he likes tar I don't want to have a miss understanding with you again baby ." Mew said while sniffing my neck.

"You right babe,  I will feel relieved when P'Shy is your secretary and stop sniffing my neck my body still paining come on lets eat dinner." I said and get up on mews lap  and drag him to the dining.

I am happy and feel relieved that  tar is no longer  mews employee I hope he's not bothering us and he move forward and forget about his love of my boyfriend.


Mews pov 

Months has passed since tar resign and i didn't hear anything about him. Gulf and I living peacefully we hangout with our friends if we have time. We even went to resort to relax.

"Here's your coffee sir " my secretary said smiling. Shes teasing me

"  thankyou ma'am " I said teased her back.

" thank God tar is no longer it's been two months now since he resigned I feel relieved" my bestfriend said

" Mee too mine I am feel relieved, anyway can I book your resto bar for  a day I've decided to proposed to gulf this Sunday"

" Sure!  Besides I want to invite you and our friends to my resto bar on Sunday to celebrate my birthday"

" Oh I forgot your birthday is on Sunday we'll I think that's  perfect. because gulf only think that's we just celebrate your birthday and he will never think that I will proposed to him on that day." I said whining to my bestfriend.

" Well it's settled then finally you've decided to marry him I am so happy for you mine. This time  I am sure that I can die after I witness the wedding of the year" she giggled.

Here we go again on dying words.

" Mine don't say that words please, no one will die you will live as long as me and gulf still breathing and you will bear our future child." I said to him.

" What!? you want me to become a sorogate mother did gulf know about your plan did you talk about this  already?"

" We don't talk about it but  I know gulf will agree with me"

" Well no problem with me, but make sure that  you and gulf talk and agreed about this things whole heartedly"

" Yes, thankyou my bestfriend don't worry I will talk to gulf about this "   I hug her and kiss her forehead.

" woah my boyfriend is being sweet to her bestfriend" gulf suddenly said he came closer to kissed my lips and he also kissed my bestfriend on her cheeks.

Gulf is accept everything about me including my sweetness to my bestfriend gulf and P'Shy become very close to each other one time   I saw them sleeping on our bed hugging each other.

I hope he never heard me and my bestfriend talking about weeding and kids.

To be continued

🌞 SKS 🌻

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