chapter 15

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Gulf's pov

It's been a month since I came here in the Philippines I've already made a decision so I just have to stand by it

" Are you okay staying with us gulf? Aren't you have a hard time? " Aunt marlene asked me.

" I'm okay aunt though I am adjusting but I will be fine"

" If you don't mind may I know. The reason why you decided to come here,?"

" Aunt marlene to be honest I love someone there maybe you heard his name and he's belong to someone now" I confess to her.

" Ohh my nephew now is broken hearted! Tell me the whole story my favorite nephew " aunt marlene grinning.

" Well his parents is very closed to mine but I hate him eversince  then one day he stayed in our house we can't go along he want to get closer to me but I am staborn until one day I saw him with someone else and I feel jealous. Then later on I realized that I falling Inlove with him. I took a courage to tell him what I felt But I also know that day that he is already has a boyfriend.

" Well sometimes distiny is funny and playful, but if you are really distined for each other, your paths will still meet." Aunt marlene said " and when that happens don't run and let him go" 

" Yes aunt I will"

" I'll go ahead I need to prepare food for our dinner." She said.

" Go ahead aunt and thankyou for listening to my cruelty in life!

Aunt marlene just smile at me.

Still in living room when my phone rang and mild's name appeard on the screen.

" Hey dude! Wuzup!"

" Nothing much I just missed you, how are you? Are you sure you will studying there?"

" Easy dude! One question at a time, I'm okay and yes I am very sure you know me already  " I said

" Yes I know you are a man with a word ,  but why didn't you stand  your love for mew you didn't fight it."

" You bastard it's a defferent conversation and situation ! I'll hang up this phone now and please tell to our friends that I am okay I'm still breathing, okay okay na" I said to mild and ended the call

I just shake my head and put the phone on my pocket

" Do you have a girlfriend gulf"

Suddenly puifai said she  appeard behind me.

" Right now I don't have!"

" So I can be your girlfriend  I like you phi I really like you, i even following you on your all  social media accounts" puifai said

I am surprised by what she said she is a woman but she has a courage to tell me how she feels

" what are  you saying puifai gulf is our cousin" thorn said he just came out on his room.

" On the papers yes but in blood no! So I have a right  being ralationship with gulf." Puifai insist.

" Shut up and go to your room" thorn ordered her.

Instead of listening to what his old brother said she just look at me and held my hand " what now gulf do you agree  to be my boyfriend?"

I let go of her hand " even though we are not blood related I still consider you both as my cousin.  And most of all I love someone else and I have no plans to replace him here in my heart, "

" Hi him? You me..!"

" Yes puifai you heard it right  I like Men  " I cut her off 

She angrily left and entered her room. I just sighed watching her .

" Nong gulf please forgive my sister's bahavior" thorn said

" It's okay P'thorn." I said

P" thorn back to his room. So puifai likes me that's the reason why she is being sweet to me there is something the way she looked and treated me.

If I have a courage just like puifai  maybe mew and I are happily in a ralationship right now maybe we are hugging each other right now or maybe he showered kisses all over my face right now and most of all I am not here in the Philippines and I am at beside mew feeling, enjoying his care and love for me. I miss him if I could  back the time.

See you next chapter

🌞 ShekanawutSuppasit 🌻

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