chapter 3

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Mews pov

I'm in the kitchen I offered to cooked our dinner, so that tita can rest for a while. I saw them in the living room being sweet to each other when I entered the house from uni.

They married for a long time now but they still sweet to each other just like my parents.
Maybe one day gulf and I will be like them hoyy stop imagining, mew I scolded my self.

After cooking I went upstairs enter my room and change my clothes, rest for a while.

I was about to tell tita that the food is ready when I heard gulf voice looking for me.

" Ma, is mew home yet?" My heart almost jump with joy I can't believe it.

"I'm here!  Honey, Missed me?" I said.

Gulf frown and Said.

"Missed my ass,!" He climbed into the stairs.

" I'm sorry son, I know one day he will treat you nicely" papa  said.

"I hope so pa, I hope so"

" That's enough boys, prepared the food love, I well call your son so we can eat together" mama said to papa.

Yeah I've dicided to call gulf parents mama and papa and I don't care if gulf Hates me more!

Papa and I set the table mama come gulf behind her. Papa ask him to eat the food I prepared but he only drink a milk because he wants to be poison.

He went aptairs after done drinking his milk.

" I don't  know what to do. to your son love.!" Mama said

" Let's give him a time love" papa answer.

"Don't think to much pa and ma I'm okay I can wait till gulf treat me well" I said

We finished eating I wash the dishes before going to my room and sleep.

I'll always wait for you baby

Before entering my room I glance at gulf's room.


It was already 9 in the morning when I heard gulf and mama talking I am in the stairs

" Good morning ma" I said

" Good morning too honey" she said

"As I remembered I keep that in fridge but now I couldn't find it" mama said she's looking for something.

" What is it ma" I ask.

" Ohh, the food  that left last night, " gulf did you eat it?" mama said to gulf.

" Fine,! I wake up in the midnight I am so hungry and yeah I am the one who eat it" gulf answer. " Anyway ma I am going to  the mall later I need to buy something."

" Is your girlfriend with you" I ask.

What the hell, what did I said that!

" I'm  with or without my girlfriend, it's not  your concern anymore!" He said " not because I eated your food it means we are close, no never!"

Gulf get his car keys and walk through the door.

" Mew, I heard you saying gulf has girlfriend is that true?" Mama said

" Yes ma I meet her yesterday." I said

"Ohh I see! Hmm are you okay?" He asked me?

" Yes ma I'm okay, it hurts a little but I'm okay" I assured her. Ma I will back to sleep"

" Yeah sure honey"



Gulfs pov

I am here in the mall where me and my friends meet. Only mild first and mawin come, boat and run are doing some stuff

" Is anything happen?"

Mild ask he really know me well I'm not in the mood or if there is something bothering me.

" No it's nothing! Let's go. " I said

" Hmm you could bring mew with you so that he can enjoy sometime" first said.

" What the hell if you want to be still my friend don't mention his name " I scolded first.

" Dude, why I can feel that you hate mew" mild said.

" Yes you right, I hate him, so much"

"Really but you live in one house" mawin added.

"Yes so please, don't mention him when I'm with you, is that clear!?" I said

" Then tell us the reason why you hate him so that I will obey  you mild said

" Hey are we going talk about him! Or watch a movie? Or maybe you can call him to accompany you, after all you have the same feather." I said.

"What mew is after men, ohoo! Now I am  very sure I have a chance to be his boyfriend" first said with a big smile oh his mouth.

Yes I already know mew is gay but that's not the reason why I hate him and I don't hate gays my friends here have their boyfriend.!

"Yes but I think he didn't like you" I said to first.

" Baks how could you say that! No I won't give up I will court him until he said yes to me" first said full of confidence.

" It's up you, I just warn you"

" Nah come ok guise lets go watch the movie.!"

Mawin said.

As usual I enjoyed souch with my friends and it's already night when. I got home as usual I caught my parent in the living room watching movie. But this time mew is with them they are laughing.

" Ma I'm here, " I enteruped

" Son, when will you let us meet your girlfriend?" Papa asked.

" Ohh you already know pa"

"Yes you mama told me,  and mew here saying that she's beautiful"

"Ahm very soon dad and yes she's beautiful so beautiful, I know you will like her if you meet her " I said while looking at mew

"Any way ma I'm so tired I want to sleep goodnight" I said to them

" Good night son" they said unison.

I hug them before went aptairs.


I was setting in my bed when suddeny mew speak he's standing at the  door.

"When did you learn talking to your self" he said

" It's not your concern, and who told you? You can enter my room?"

" I am just standing in the door, and try to luck your door nextime." Mew said

I just threw him my pillow
" I hate you "

"I love you " he said and turn around went to his room.

Damn it!!

See you near chapter  😊


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