chapter 20

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Gulf's pov

It's already seven In the evening but I can't still sleep I plan to sleep early but I can't get out mew and that girl in my mind.

I am so eager to know what's their ralationship I get up and get dressed get out in my room find my car keys.

" Sweety its night already where are you going?" Mama asked she's waiting my father to come home

" I want to bye ice cream ma I'll be right back"

" You takecare na!" She said

Driving my car I made my way to mews condo, when I arrive I park my car then I saw mews car that just arrived he get out. I was about to get out on my car to talk to him but I stopped when I saw a woman getting out of his car.

The light was bright so I saw the woman's face, if I'm not mistaken she was the one who I handed the papers this afternoon in J&T building. I was even more surprised when mew wrapped his hands on her shoulder they we're walking towards the elevator.

What happened to you mew when I was gone?

This afternoon you had a woman with you and now Your secretary is with you don't tell me your still working at this hours? In your condo! I doubt it.

Who is  the two woman in your life mew? What relationship do you have??

The question that only mew can answer! Can I talk to him? Do I have the right? I was the one who left and most importantly we are not having a relationship.

What happened today is making me feel pain and I've realized I still love mew but what should I do there is someone in her life now how can win over a woman.


Atlast I'm back again in this school I miss to study here, it my first day in my last year of college.

" Yeah finally this is our last year" mild said lefting his two hands in the air

We are here in our room waiting for our teacher in our last subject before lunch.

" Good morning students"

We heard the voice of a woman behind us then she go to front. I was shock when I look up and saw her face if Im not mistaken she's the one I saw in the J&T and on Mews condo seriously who she is really!?

" Good morning again, I am your music teacher for this whole year so I am hoping we can get along don't worry I am not your only teacher but I can be also your friend. I am a secretary also so after this I well go straight to the company where I am working. Now that you know me already I guess it's your times to introduce your self I will start with you young man" she said while looking at me.

After I introduced my name I keep Staring at her.

" Friend, if staring someone can  kill, ma'am shyb will be dead right now" mild said he noticed me staring to our music teacher

" I saw her in mews condo" I tell him.

" Ohh my gosh friend your followed him again" mild shouted

" Is there anything problem Mr suttinot?" Ma'am shy ko ask

" ma'am " mild said lowering his head

" Okay let's start" she said.

"So noisy we almost cought" said to mild.

He just look at me shyly.


" I think I like our music teacher" first suddenly said we are here in the canteen eating our lunch.

" I agreed" mild said " is she have a boyfriend?"

" Yes she have" I utter

" How you would know!" First ask.

" As I've said earlier I saw her with mew. and she is mews secretary also " telling this I am hurting.

" Why you are so sure that she is mews girlfriend. did you see them kissed? or having sex?" First again.

" Ofcourse not I j.. "

" Then!?" Mild cut me off

" I can feel it"

"Can I join you boys?"

I gasp when ma'am shy approach us did she heard that we are gossiping about her. I hope shes not.!

" Ye.yes ma'am shyl it's our pleasure" mild shuttering.

" Nah don't so be formal nong you can call me phi or ate if we are not in the classroom" she said cheerfully.

" Okay ma'am oops! Phi rather" first said " anyways we are not boys we are gays"

" Ohh pardon me! Did you mean you have a boyfriends?" She said puting her spoon with food into her mouth.

" Yes we have only G has no one" first said tapping my shoulder " right G?"

I just nodded.

" Ohh, really? well I have a friend, maybe I can set you for a blind date" she said

" No thanks p.phi" I said.

" Anyway phi, I have a question?" First asked.

Phi shy stop eating and look straight to first." Shoot?"

" Ah, are you mew suppasit girlfriend?"

" YES" she said

I was about to spit the food inside my mouth. I knew it already. but its still hurt when you heard it loud and clear.


🌞 ShekanawutSuppasit 🌻

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